Good Old days....are here to stay forever........Jab main chota baccha tha...badi shararat karta tha...
This is a little effort of mine to keep alive the forgotten Doordarshan channel and all the memories we all have attached and associated with it.

Now this is something which goes in the background of my mind every time... The Title song... of an Old Doorsarshan Serial...Bharat Ek Khoj- Discovery of India...Remember?? It goes like.. Srishti se pehle sach nahin tha.... Asatya bhi nahin...anatariksh bhi nahin..aaksh bhi nahin tha..chipa tha kahan... kab...

Discovery of India Audio CDs in 2 volumes!!

Her's the review of 2 cd Audio Cds set of Discover of India available here to buy
August 11th 2010-Finally got hands of the videos of all the Episodes.. that Iv'e been searching for and it feels great.... status downloading....
For Those who don’t know about Doordarshan : Click Here
And click on the image to get a bigger view for a beautiful collage of DD serials and commercials made by me.

Now it reminds me of so many things.. I was such a small kid when this serials used to come in Doordarshan (DD1)..Oh.... those good old days... unforgettable....sweetest memories... I still remember those days

Different strokes star Dana plato dies at 34
Different Strokes star Gary Coleman dies at 42
~~~~Here is a list of the Old Doordarshan Serials~~~~
If you could remember more than please mail me at creativeguysam@gmail.com it's a request thanx.
~~~~And Click here for a Priya's great blog I found which have lot of DD comercial videos,music of various serials and infos~~~~
Here goes my exclusive collections of Doordarshan Serials,commercials and sweet

Oh Yes and how can I forget all those commercials and documentries?One of them is evergreen and is such a sweeeeet and cute animated Documentary.That is Ekta Anekta...it goes like Ek Titli...anek titlayian......ek gilhari anek gilhariyan........ and also Jab main chota baccha tha badi shararat karta tha... tab

Here are few of them.....
Vicco turmeric,
Nahin cosmetic
Vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream
Keel muhason ko jadh se mitaye
Haldi chandan ke gun ismein samayetwacha ki raksha kare ayurvedic cream
Vicco turmeric,
Nahin cosmetic
Vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream------------------------------------------
Sevasahram brahmi awala kesh tel

Baalon ki umar badaye
Naari ka yeh roop sajaye
Sevasahram brahmi awala kesh tel------------------------------------------
Washin powder Nirma, Washing powder Nirma
Doodh si safedi, Nirma se aayi
Rangeen kapde bhi khil khil jaaye
..(can someone complete this... That opening Twang of this Jingle is all that I remember of Nirma...)------------------------------------------
Mere kaale ghane lambe baalon ka raaz, Dabur amla kesh tel (Sridevi to Deepika)
~~~~For more click here~~

Ekta Anekta Video online..

And here's the link to watch the
Jungle Book title song...Jungle Jungle baat chali hai..
Link for Malgudi Days ..
To watch online...ta na na na na......
It's with me always I never can forget my roots or my past am so attached to my past and my memories that often I get so sad thinking of all the old days.And wish I cud get back to that time.Things were so simple.innocent and nice.People were also very simple,innocent and there was charm in human relationships.People used to care about the little things in life which means a lot.In any festival people used to get together and used to share sweets and moments of happiness and joys.But now in this so called modern days people have become so selfish and self centered that they do not even care about each other they do not even have time to share those little things and happiness.Everyone is just blindly running after money and mirages.
When a human being grows from a child to man.Then in the process he comes across so many things,paths,hurdles,ups n downs.And while doing so he does not even realise when he leaves his innocence and simplicity.It feels to me that its just yesterday I was a kid and suddenly I grew up to a man and now I am to face this cruel world.
BigB...good to see your blog...you can check my blog out on www.limboomirchi.blogspot.com
DD Memories always remain our fav. check my blog on the same
you'll get lots of good links download there for old DD Serials...
:) Smiles
Hey Alok thanx for checking and leaving a comment and u knw wat when I was searching for people and blogs on Doordarshan before creating this blog I actually came across your blog on DD and I was really happy to see that...that's y I scrapped that link to u.. personally yaar.. nywayz ur blog is an amazing one to read it and check bro.. and will check you new one2... :)...Watch out my next posts on life at 70's,life at 80's and also a tribute to Nazia Hassan. :)...
Hey thats a very nostalgic blog indeed.... totally took me back to my childhood :) this makes me remember one of the patriotic songs which used to get aired on DD around year 1991-1992 during the "danga" time which i guess nobody mentioned in their posts. The song featured various bollywood stars, let me try and recollect and visualise the same, it used to go like this -
scene 1- Jackie shroff with his son Tiger singing - "sun sun sun mere munne sun , sun sun sun mere munne sun, pyaar ki ganga bahe desh mein eka rahe"
scene 2 - Anil Kapoor with daughter Sonam Kapoor singing - "sun sun sun mere munni sun , sun sun sun mere munni sun, pyaar ki ganga bahe desh mein eka rahe".. some scenes later -
Amir with some kid - "Khatm kaali raat ho roshni ki baat ho"
Govinda with 2 3 kids in garden - "Dosti ki baat ho zindagi ki baat ho". and then comes Salman sporting his Saajan hairstyle, with a kid - "baat ho insaan ki, baat Hindustaan ki"..coupla mins later the song ends with all the featured stars sharing the same frame.. if somebody (especially gals) finds that video do check out Rishi Kapoor with very young Ranbir Kapoor. long Live DD!!
Hey Sandy thanx a lot for ur inputs and yeah I do remember those days and the patriotic ad that u have written abt.It goes like this "Pyar ki ganga bahe,desh mein eka rahe with all the bolly stars.Thanx for ur valuable comment once again.I appreciate it.
wow!! you just took me back to those lovely days of doordarshan..awesome ya'..n u actully remembered everything! i thought m d only odd one out hehhe
i remember mahabharat..the song omg!! it still echoes in my ears.. the voice the music..dad is a big fan of mythological serials n every sunday watching it was like a routine activity.hehe
n vico termaric nahi cosmetic vico termaric ayurvedic cream hahah my bron n me still sing this heheh wow!! too many memories n yes i remmber surbhi also..
good ya'' m lost in that world now..anywys keep posting such things..great job :-)
Yes Ritu... I have a wish to unite all the people who want to keep their golden memories afresh by getting back to those old days..It'd be great to be united and share our sweet and lovely memories of our past..and thnax a lot for sharing your thought..I'd keep coming with more updates here... cheers....
Tears came from my eyes...i m speeachless ...thns samit..
Tears came from my eyes...i m speeachless ...thns samit..
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