Mind is all that matters!!!Brain Power!!
The most popular Tv show MTV Roadies 5.0 finally have come to an end when the most least deserving roadie Ashutosh finally became the first MTV International Roadie.But as it is said if you've got brains then your are a winner.He has been all dull and dumb all through the tasks that he needed to perform.Most of the time either he was injured or was not ready to perform.The only thing he did was making a perfect game plan and stratergy using his brain to throw people out so that he would be in and that's what worked for him making him a winner.
That last episode was a bit full of everything.Drama,action,emotion,fun,suspense all packed in one. I have been watching this game show from long time but I was not that much addicted towards it. But when I started watching the 5.0 version I was almost hooked to it,Since I am far away from my home and family and I am staying alone here I do not have a tv here so I always download it and watch it on my pc.I missed few espisodes in the last few weeks as the site from which I download these episodes had some problems.But i heard it from my friends about all the dramas that happened in the final espisode and I was so excited that I searched lots other sites and finally got a site where I was able to download the whole final episode.
One thing was very surprising in it.Ashutosh and Nihal were chosen to be the finalists and were supposed to compete with eachother to be the winner but it was not easy for them. The master mind Raghu made it really difficult for them all the roadies who were out were called back and were asked to choose between the two finalists. And the two finalsits were asked to choose from the ex roadies and make
separate teams so that they could perform their final tasks.And they choose from the ex roadies according to their choice and formed separate teams.But when Raghu came there was a twist he swapped the 2 teams and made it difficult for the two finalists to perform their tasks.So all the ex roadies who hated the finalist roadie to the core got a chance to take revenge and give it back.
The final task was a real difficult one.Each team was given 5 tasks to perform but they were not to be performed by the finalist roadies. They were all to be performed by all the ex roadies in separate teams and the main task for the finalist roadies was to convince each of them to perform the tasks to perfection so that whichever
team wins the finalist of the team would be the winner.The taks were pretty weird ones. 1.Kiss a buig Lizard for atleast 5 seconds.2.One person to chop his/her head off, 3.One person to do a body piercing not on ears,belly but on nipples (gawwwd.. that hurts),4.Shred all clothes and get naked fully(That's so weird and absurd)5.Last but not the least to get slapped by the finalist (Gosh the sick minds...).And to much of the surprise even though the ex roadies who were supposed to hate the 2 finalists they being in the wrong group with the one they hate the msot performed all the tasks with all the ease. And everyone was surpsised as well shcoked to see the real spirit of the roadies.They were so excited to perform the tasks inspite of their much hatrted with the finalists.Call it the convincing capacity of the 2 finalists or the real spirit of the roadies in the end there was a tie between the teams.
Snehasish who was total an anti of Ashutosh did not even have a second thought to shred all his clothes and get naked only wrapping news papers on hsi body and also getting bald.That was the real spirit of him as a roadie.And again the last task to get slapped by the finalists,Sambhavi in Ashutosh's group was the one to get
ready without any hesitation.But the merciless Ashutosh slapped her so hard..(awwww that hurts).... And in the other team of Nihal Ijaz shred his clothes and got bald and Vibhor was slapped.The piercing part was also done without any hesitation The guy who pierced his nipples (gaawd.... it must be weird and painfull)..beared all the pain just for Ashutosh..see that was the spirit of a true roadie.
Anywayz in the end there was a tie as each of the teams performed the tasks so well and to the perfection.So the girl Sonal who was amongst the 3 finalists but was voted out by Ashutosh was given an advantage by Ranvijay to perform one of the five tasks and choose from both of the finalist for whom she did that task.So she choose to kiss the big lizard(Guana) for five seconds and dedicated to Ashutosh.And then there was celebrations...............Ashutosh.. the man.... who was known to be a least deserving roadie not performing the tasks and not participating was atlast the winner.That's called as mindgame.He used his mind game and planned the whole thing
and came out as a true winner. That's the triumph story of a common dhaba guyfrom a small town.
The moral of the whole show and the story is mind power is mightier than muscle power.So in life whatever we should do we need to use our minds and keep our coool and patience to be a true winner in the end. Peace.... cheers... Samit...
~~~Click here to watch the episode Online~~~

~~Click on the image for a Roadies Wallpaper~~
Personally my fav roadies are Sambhavi and Ashutosh

Her's a blog dedicated to Sambhavi..Click here
ohh..nice blog..hw cm u managed to type sooo much...??(or u copied..it doesnt seems u hv..:D)
nice descrptn n ..good dat u posted d last episode..it ws realy exctin..:)
Hey thanx for dropping in for a comment and nah i dint copy it.Writing is one of my hobby as well as passion so I write on various topics on daily basis.Keep on checking my blog for more exciting updates.Thanx once again :)
Ur observations of being a winner are spot on, but if you are commenting on a show, its not rite to comment whoz gud, bad, worst....Personal life, its ur choice....But about tv shows, its like imposing ur views on evryone...Jus my suggestion.
neway, gud work dude..
Hey first of all thanx for dropping in buddy!! And yeah I do agree with your point of view am not one to comment on anyone,good or bad.But yeah freedom of speech u see :) and since its one of ma fav TV show...I thought to write on it and share people's thoughts abt the same :) cheers buddy!!
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