A tribute to the melodious,talented beautiful singer from Pakistan..
Tere kadmon ko chumoonga mujhe tu paas aane de.....a Nazia song dedicated to herself...

Aap Jaisa koi mere zindagi main aaye to baat ban jaaye.... haan haan baat ban jaaaye... the song speaks itself for the beautiful,talented and elegant singer Nazia Hassan.......... I grew up listening to her songs Disco deewane and Aap jaisa koi mere zindagi main aaye...from the movie Qurbani...The only thing that I knew about Nazia Hassan was that she is from Pakistan and she and Zohaib Hassan are a hit pair.I started exploring my passion for music in my college days when I used to buy Audio Cassettes and listen to so many songs in my stereo player.I have the habit of listening to different artists both national and international.So everyday I used to

Days passed by,life moved on with lot of ups n downs and happenings.I graduated from college and got into so many things, but Nazia and her voice still continued to be a part of my life.At that Computers and Internet were pretty exclusive and rare items.If someone would have a computer at home then he was regarded as a rich and luxurious person.So all the informations and news we would know that would be either by TV, Books,News papers or magazines.So i was not atall aware of Nazia's personal life and much about her musical career.Again those days that was the pick point of my career build up so I was so busy concentrating on my studies and job hunting.And in the course I did not even realise that Nazia Hassan the so young and beautiful singer who was full of life was sufferring from lung cancer and struggling for life. So i did not even know that she lost the battle in the year 2000.It was there in news for sure in news papers,TV and other mediums but its so strange that I could not even know that Nazia was no longer on this earth. That's the saddest part.
I have all the Nazia And Zohaib Albums including the Remix,all time hits and the new Zohaib Album 'Kismet' in Mp3 format and Will upload few of them exclusively here for you soon..check here later...
This is a collage of our sweet Nazia I made for a tribute Click on the picture to make it larger

Now when I left home and came here to New Delhi to stand on my own in the year 2003-2004 it was almost 3-4 years that Nazia left the world.Look at the irony that for me even at that time Nazia was still alive.I had to leave all my music collections at home though I wanted to bring those along with me I could not i was heavily loaded with other stuffs.Later on here in new Delhi when I organised myself I took a home Internet connection and I caught hold of almost all the albums of Nadia and Zohaib and I was really happy for that.I again continued to listen to my sweet Nazia and her sweet voice.I was actually falling for her voice big time.I tried to search for informations about her and then came the big shock of my life. I discovered that Nazia is actually nomore and its difficult for me to write here how I felt at that point of time.Before the love in my life could come in it went away soooo far that it could not even come back.I was all depressed and sad I but did not get much hated myself that howcome I was not aware of all these things all these years and I was under this impression that Nazia was alive and rocking.Today when I was looking for Nadia's life history, her musical career I explored so many facts that I was not even aware of. I came to see this beautiful,gorgeous girl's photographs who have rocked

In 1978, in England, thirteen-year-old Nazia recorded a song "Aap jaisa koi meri zindigi mein Aaye, to baath bun jaaye" (film: Qurbani, music: Biddu, lyrics: Indeevar, pictured on Zeenat Aman).

The news of the death of pop star Nazia Hasan on Sunday, August 13, 2000, spread like wildfire. Within seconds, the Internet, newspapers and the rest of the news media around the globe were flashing the news of her final journey. Amidst the sobs and tears, almost every one had one thing in mind, i.e., "God Almighty had showered Nazia with all the
bounties, except length of age.
No matter what 'Nazia' here in this fast pace 21st Century where people are becoming more westernised and tech slaves noone remembers the people of the past.They were soon fading away in our memories this is a tribute to a sweetheart like you to keep you alive in all our hearts forever and ever.We have been, we are and we will be missing you big time 'Nazia'.May your soul rest in pease.You'd be turly missed.I love you......'Nazia'
Click here to know more about her in details...

Check out Few exclusive videos and songs of Nazia
Zoheb Hassan - Memories of Nazia Hassan Click here
Zoheb Hassan - tribute to nazia Click here
A Tribute to Nazia & Zohaib Hassan Click here
interesting! What about the Indian singers? She is beautiful though! :)
Hey thanx for ur comment and yeah this is just the beginning...this is a little effort of mine to make the forgotten people and our fading memories alive. So id definitely come up with more interesting forgotten people,past events and rare and exdclusive stuffs. Watch out for more Indians and non Indians too.
aap Jaisa koi mere zindagi main aayee song is an all timer !!! ... haha
i never knew she sang this song, actually i never knew who sang it till today ! well thank you for the info aye .
great site .
I like Nazia Hassan's songs very much. She truly had a great voice. I am from India but I like her as much as any pakistani.
My favorite songs are Disco Deewane, Dumdum Dede, Taali de thalle, Boom boom and many more.
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