Saturday, November 10, 2007

Today is the day I started blogging A Journey begins

Toiday is the day I started blogging!! Nov 5, '07 6:00 AM A Journey begins.......... NoV 5 2007
From the day I joined this site I thought to write in my blog about me,about my life and my everyday happenning,surroundings,news,thoughts,views and reviews.But I never got a chance I always come here post my artworks and get busy in other stuffs.But finally today i decided to write in today as today is my week off and also i took 3 more leaves with it for Diwali.So am really excited and looking forward to itWell talking about my present life it seems like its going nowhere.I want to do a lot of things in my life but the Organisation that am working with have pretty hectic schedules and work profile.(Late night shifts and work pressures).Its getting My Previous company Convergys India Pvt Ltd,Gurgaon,Haryana
monotonous day by day.Everyday its the same story go to office and do the same kinda boring works.Ther's nothing new,no excitement nothing creative.And again its a customer service and sales job so everyday you got to deal with people who are strangers to you and need to solves there problems and to add more to it you need to sell them related products.Its actually a credit card financial process am talking about.I am rally fed up with it and its high time I need to concentrate on my creative instincts and my skill sets that I have.Seems like all of those are dying slowly.I am really frustrated to the core. I need to do something about it or else everything is going to be finished.I feel like leaving the present job taking a blind decision and making a new beginning.Because Unless and until I would not do that I can not think of anything else.This job is getting into my nerves.Its just that to make a living i need to continue with this.And that's what matters that's what they say.But for me money yes is a necessity for sure but its not my priority.

Nywayz I am really happy that I started blogging from today and that too in one of my favorite site.So here I can share my thoughts and leave my frustrations at least. Its pretty hard to live far away from home.I got to do all the works by myself.Starting from washing,cooking,cleaning and managing all the things and most importantly managing myself.Though I love do my works on my own.Believe me it's got it's own charm.Unless you do not experience it you cant feel the warmth and the charm of it.But at times in all the ups and downs in life it gets so frustrating that my the brain becomes blank.

~~The real treasures and gems of my life...~~
But to my rescue I have few of soul mates who are pretty close to my heart. And I could share simply anything with them without any hesitation and second thought.They are always there for me in my good times and bad times to support me to share my sorrows and console me in my frustrated times. I am really proud and lucky to have From left to right Xeenu,Kusum,Ashi,Dipa,Nupur,Kritithese few people in my life.Well few of them are virtual but yet so real.Though I have not met them in real but they are so close to my heart always.To name a few I have Kriti,Dipa,Xeenu,Kusum,Nupur,Somi,Soni,Ashi (Virtual,online soulmates) and also I have few friends in my real life who always have helped me whenever I need them.I really cherish their friendships and without them it'd be impossible for me to survive.Kailash(My coleague in my previous company and one of my best pal).And Since frm my childhood I have had lot of friends Sambit,Arup,Anand,Birup,Sushmita,Bijayanand,Santosh,Kishore (Few of my school friends)and again Pramod,Ravi,Raja,Abani,Jatin,Drupesh,Abhishek,Alok (My college and after college friends and companion).And when I enterted the virtual world(Online)there were no limit of my friends.They were from every corner of the world.Since from the beginning of the year 1998 I have been a Netizen (Using Internet) and Iv'e been very fond and keen on chatting,surfing and downloading.So people came and went away but their memories still remains. They can forget me or may be not but I remember them for sure.

Now in this 21st century things have changed people have changed and so also the mode of communications with advance technologies. Social networking sites have been so popular now in the 21st century and people are really fond of making friends on it and its an advanced way to stay in touch with your dear and near ones.So Orkut one of the famous networking site have played a major role in my life.Through it I won so many good friends and met lots of people who are really so creative,wonderful and charming in their own respective ways.I also met few of my old friends through it so its really amazing and wonderful.Now it has become a part of my life.

I will share all my thoughts,views ,reviews and all the happening in my life here.Now isn't that exciting??It sure is.I wanted to click some pics of my office yesterday as they've decorated it so well for Diwali.But I just could not. I wanted to add those pics here in my blog. But I will be adding my pics here daily.So that it'll be updated always.

Me at Office Diwali 2007 Alright so I went to shopping today though I was a feeling bit lazy and was sitting on my PC but around 7.30 pm I decided to go for shopping for Diwali.I wanted to bring home some decorative stuffs to decorate my room. I have this craze for artistic stuffs which attracts me the most.And also I love books and magazines so I hired an auto and went to Hauzkhas Market (its a famous market in New Delhi) and i bought magazines(Animation reoprter,animation Today and few others),some decorative Diyas for Dipawali and also few artistic stuffs.One of them is this.. sooooo cute isnt it?I liked it at first sight.....artistic...inclination.... told you.. did not I?

~~~~ Sweet memories will always linger on ~~~~
~~I live with my memories!!! Do you??~~Click here to go back to your memory lane

Nov6 2007
The Journey Continues.....

Alright. so the second day of my blogging!!! Great....i woke up pretty late today somewhere around 12.30 am in the after noon because I went to sleep almost earlier in the morning around 5am.The reason is as usual I am on the net working,downloading and of course chatting with friends.Nywayz after I woke up i got fresh and tuned into some good n unheard music on the Net Radio..doesn't sound familiar.Oh yes the other day I downloaded this cool Application Google Desktop from Google and its really cool.It has some really cool features and gadgets.Depending on your choice and needs you can add those gadgets to your Google Desktop.It stays on your PC desktop and gives you latest news,entertainment,keeps you aware of the latest gizmo's and happenings of the world.More to that you can daily jokes,wallpapers,quotes,poems,games,movies and what not?And yeah it looks kewl .....see it yourself....

Nywayz till the time evening I was busy with my PC and net and evening time i went to the market again today.This time its a different market (Sarojini Market also a popular market in New Delhi).And I bought some strolls for my traditional dress so that I'd look just according to the festival traditional and dashing lol...dunt have any intention to butter myself here.Also I bought a cool Armani T-Shirt along with other Diwali related stuffs like a cool diya of Ganesh Ji....and also other stuffs.

Now this is a cool song from a just found book recommended by one of my Orkut friend Gurupreet from Bangalore.The book titled 'Anything for you ma'ma by Tushar Rahaja another IITian to write a good book after the famous Chetan Bhagat(Five Point someone,One night in call center).Here goes the song its related to each of us in so many ways

LIfe goes on

Life Goes On You haven't paid your rent,Landlord ain't much of a friend,He wants his 50 dollars 3 cents,Or you'll be booked for offence.You'll be kicked out, but you'll find new house, new town. Cuz life goes on. Her name is Alice,Yesterday you got your first kiss,Today she tells it is all over,She saw you with another miss.Before you tell her it was only your sis,Its a bye-bye Alice.Alices will go but Sallies will come,Don't worry life goes on. You've finally found a new job,Good pay ,not much work on the shop,You get your pocket picked on the morning train,"Oh my God" you're late again. The boss doesn't listen, says you are outta jobYou are a rolling stone again.Don't worry they say "It can't get worse."O O O Life rolls on. Got no gal to call your own,No job, no money, no home,You've been searching for a bench to sleep on.Everything's so bleak n forlorn.Life's a rollercoaster, with its ups and downs,O O O Life rocks on. Yesterday may have been shit,Today you may be complete misfit,But tomorrow's a new day,So don't give up that weeny ray.You've gotta pray, dream, hope and move on,O O O Life goes on.

Now isnt it so true???Life goes on and on.... whatever happens.Especially this suits me as from the day I have been living alone here in Delhi far from my home.Iv'e seen and experienced life pretty close.And believe me I came here to so many things but time and circusmstances plays a key role in all of our lives.And even though we want something but we end up doing something else.Iv'e seen lots of ups and downs in my life within these 3 years.Its always been like a fall and rise situation with me.Everytime I settle something and think of going ahead life pushed me down and back to scratch and that's how Iv'e become negative.I always think of the negative aspects first and the the positive aspects.But satill then life goes on... and everything heals in time.

My room in the process of Diwali....Decoration.... and my Diwali Shopping bag....

ME and my Work Machine....
Well I was always fascinated about Laptops and its usage I've been a total computer geek and net freak so always wondered how would it feel to own a laptop so that I could carry it with me anywhere I go so that I can do my works and also will be in touch with dear and near ones.Anytime I'd need to find nytying I'd open it up and...get ..started.I am pretty fond of reading and listening to music and researching on so many things.So this is a machine which provides me almost all.Work pleasures and satisfaction,entertainment,keeps me up to date with the latest happennings and technology and also helps acquiring knowledge on so many things.

~~~Diwali The festival of lights~~~

I still remember how i used to cry and pretend to be sad when my dad refused me to get me those Diwali crackers.I was always so excited about crackers and lights.Its so beautiful all the lights and crackers though crackers creates a lots of sound pollution I do agree but it has got it own charm.And now I am working on my own living independently and I think of those days and getting sad.How we used to celebrate it together sharing sweets,lights,happiness and joys together.Here I am staying 1500 Kms away frm my family and missing them all.Evewn though i want to go home I can not.Its the bigegst tragedy.In these kind of festivals when the whole world comes toigether to celebrate and share so many unforgottable moments of joy I am here staying alone doing the best possible to celebrate the festival here all alone.

Nywayz we Indians are very lucky we all have all these wonderful festivals coming in every month followed by one after another.And that's the speciality of being an Indian and I am proud and so lucky to be an Indian.If anyoje would ask me int he next seven births what would would you want to be?I would say without any doubts and pride 'I would like to be an Indian'.

Its almost 6 am in the morning and am still here searching and looking at people's different styles of living.Their living room decorations mainly.That's what excites me to the most.And I found few people's room so beautiful with
beautiful decoraions and paintings.Will include few pics here later on.And also at the same time am listening to a song 'Zombie' by the cranberries. And its a cool song based on the people who returns from their death and who rarely sleeps.So its some how related to me.As most of the time late at night and earlier in the morning I am awake either in my office or at my place doing something or the other.
Its almost 6.40 am now and am still awake.Can't help it.Whenver I am in to research then I don't care about time.And guess what am i doing now???Chatting??nahhh....watching movies??..Nopes.....okay okay before you go and think something else let me tell you that I am still looking at people's rooms and their decors.It's pretty exciting.Believe me and also listening to some metal songs on the net radio thru Google Desktop Gadget..Currently playing 'Smack me up' by prodigy and guess what it has some Indian vocals and tunes.Its nice.

Okay now its almost 7.05 am and cant decide whethere to go bed or not as I do not want to miss these moments of my holidays I want to make the most of it.So am thinking not to going to bed.ut if i'd be extremely sleepy and doze of on this table then please....excuse yeah now it time to change the date also...

Nov 7 2007

.Another fresh morning with fresh and cool air as winter is approaching.I went to my balcony and found its foggy there.The weather is nice.May be in little while I will get freshen up and go our to bring some tea in my flask.

Well unfortunately that did not happen I was feeling damn sleepy so I dint get freshen up nor go outside for tea and slept for almost 6hrs and after 6 hrs of sleep am feelinf fresh and fine now.Probably I wil go out now with my flask for some tea.Well thisv'e become a habit of mine to drink tea evereytime I am reading somehting or working on my PC.So..i'll be back... Arnie

Okay so now am back with my hot property (Tea)...and checking my mails.Iv'e got lots of Diwali related mails.And am listening to some rock music on the Net Radio,mostly unheard music and yeah I love to listening to music that Iv'e never heard before.So I keep on experimenting with different genres,artists.Am listening to Allanis Morisette.She's a damn good singer with such a melodious voice.
One of my fav Alanis song.. here goes...


"Hand In My Pocket"

I'm broke but I'm happy I'm poor but I'm kindI'm short but I'm healthy, yeah I'm high but I'm groundedI'm sane but I'm overwhelmed I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby What it all comes down to Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fineI've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is giving a high fiveI feel drunk but I'm sober I'm young and I'm underpaidI'm tired but I'm working, yeah I care but I'm restlessI'm here but I'm really gone I'm wrong and I'm sorry babyWhat it all comes down to Is that everything's gonna be quite alrightI've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is flicking a cigaretteAnd what it all comes down to Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is giving the peace signI'm free but I'm focused I'm green but I'm wiseI'm hard but I'm friendly baby I'm sad but I'm laughing I'm brave but I'm chickenshitI'm sick but I'm pretty baby And what it all boils down to Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet I've got one hand in my pocketAnd the other one is playing the piano And what it all comes down to my friendsIs that everything's just fine fine fine." I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is hailing a taxi cab Everything Changes ... Nothing stays the same.Nothing

Okay I am back to blog in... now.. well the whole day was gone.. cleaing up all the messes in my room and decorating it...I purchased few more stuffs to decorate it... want to give it a complete traditional festive look.I want to celebrate it in a special way but I am missing everyone at home.And also missing all the fun we used to do in festival times.I wish my famil were with me here.I am planning to invite few friends of mine on DIwali but don't really know whther they would be able to come or not as they have their own lives,friends,relatives and family.
Today i bought a beautiful Ganesh ji poster and pasted in in my door and it looks so good.That's also included in my Diwali decoration.And ahhh...the festival is coming ..closer and closer and everypne is waiting eagerly with lot of excitement to celebrate it.Everybody is making preparations for the beautiful festival.One of my friend Kusum who is an Art teacher in West Africa who's also so creative and artistic did beautiful decorations in her school.These are relaly beautiful.I love these .like anything.

Nov 8 2007
(One day left for the special day of Diwali Oh God... Now I am back after a mess.Yesterday I was chatting with two of my best friends and all of a sudden my net was down and I was subcription of Net service was expired... i thotught to write in and include so many things last night but I cudn't it..and I was not happy about it.And again I wanted to include pics of my decorations of Dilwai.But i could not do it.Nywayz now iv'e recharged it for another month and its fine now.
So I am back to my blog.But dunno why people can not see it without username and password?Few days back it was fine .

Well I am listening to the OST of Oscar nominated 'The Namesake 'heard that it's an awesome movie .Soon going to watch it.Well the music in the album is quite awesome .Nitin Shawney known for his fusion musical style composed some of the beautiful tracks in the album.I especially like the bengali folk song 'Baul song' goes like Jeevan Nadir kule kule and also the new version of the great KL Saigal's 'Ye mera Dewanapan' also listen to the 'Boatman's song' its a beautiful track.Don't know the name of the singer,but he sounds like Kailash Kher.Well I love OSTS (Theme music from the motion pictures) And iV'e collected whole lots of 'em. I love 'Vangelis' (Chariots of fire) and also AR Rahman ofcourse.He's a master and a legend.Am waiting for his next release Shekhar Kapoor's Elizabeth's sequel 'Elizabeth2'

Alrite now I need to get ready now coz I need to go to bank.I will be back later milte hain ek chote.......nahinnnnnnn....ek lambe break ke baad....

Alrite I am back now and back with a bang i bouught a cool jacket ,a cd tower and also few stars for my decorations.I went to the bank to get some cash as I lost all of my credit cards,debit card n cash 10 days a go.That was a great tragedy.And ofcourse that's happenning with me repetedly because I am careless I know I am.I tried to change myself but .....I wish i could.Now I am not really feeling happy because one of my friend Kusum is in big problem.I wish I can do something abt that.I reall y wish I could .I am feeling so helpless about her.And I pray that everything will be fine with her.I often wonder why we male species think that women are our slaves and we are superior to them.We both are creations of god and we both are made of flesh,bones and blood.We both have the same capacitiy to think,to see ,to smell,to feel.Then why we male species treat females as slaves and torture them?I just hate this typical male egoism.Now in this age of technology and jets females are leading in every fields.Then why this discrimination of genders?We both should walk equally giving respect to eachother sharing and caring 50-50 ratio in everything.But i don't know why this simple thing is not realised by the males?Males can have as many wives and girl friends of their choice and they are free to do whatever they want.But women are not even allowed to talk to other males other than their husbands??I mean c'mon what kinda of justice is this??We all were born from a woman's womb.So in a way without a woman a man does not have ny exsitence.But this is so hurting and sad thhat we don't even even realise this simple thing.God help us we males.I wish I could do something that we males can change our attitude and views regarding women.And give them love,respect and care.

Nov 9 2007(The most awaited special day arrives)
Hap Hap happy Diwali..........
DiwLi 2007Alrite here comes the most awaited and special day.The day of the lights ,the day of joy,the day of togetherness,the day to rejoice and the day to celebrate with lots of fun and masti.I have been decocarating my room from last 5days for this special day and still I think ther's something lacking but I need to do more.But finally it was all done.I decorated it very nicely and beautifully and I love the festive look.Everywhere ther's light and decorative stuffs.I like this feeling of being an Indian and a Hindu so that I am able to celebrate so many exciting and beautiful festivals.From the very DiWali 2007 morning one of my buddy Kaliash came to me with a packet of sweets and greeted me.And the I sat with him and discussed about so many things and after that one of my other like a bro-buddy Roshan came to my room and greeted me too.I was really happy but somewhere inside me I was not feeling so good.Nywayz we all went outside to eat something and also to enjoy thje festival masti.

December 14th 2007

I resigned from my previous Company Convergys India pvt ltd, took a break and relaxed for sometime.

HaPPY NEw YEaR 2008>>>>AnOTher NEw YEar BeGiNS With NEw HOPeS AnD JOys!!>>>>

~~~~In this new year I set some resolutions that I will be more serious and responsible and will quit my bad habits.~~~~

Jan 7th 2008 18.05 hrs

Whoops...!!! been a long time whoaaa!!! Havnt written anything... on my blog yet.. got really busy.. in stuffs and a whole lot of happening took place in life including leaving my present job(Convergys Ind pvt ltd) to work on myself.So at present am jobless today and am supposed to join another new company today but here I amagain clueless not sure what to do.God please helpe me get outta this..... Pressure ..pressure ..pressure............bound in chains everywhere.....

After taking a break and relaxing I appeared for interviews in few companies and almost got selected in each one of them.And later on decided to join WNS (One of the company i was selected for)

February 4th

on 4th of feb I Joined WNS (World Network Services) a company based in Gurgaon,Haryana , DLF city with much excitement and new hopes.


February 15th @ WNS SCZ Building, GurGaon,Haryana

(Day after Valentine)
Well Well.. long time and i havnt even touched my blog..Been busy in so many things.. shifted jobs so new company,new people,new environment and everything new ..its a new beginning. I dun't know but whY I always look for chnages so frequently.I really want somnething new everyday if that doesnt happen then I really get bored and depressed.That's how I've become.And its gonna stay with me forever>i guess I can change this attitude of mine.I really tried and worked on that but somewhere I am lacking.

Now that I am through with me main assement here I am sitting here writing my blog and waiting for my result.But I am expecting a result which I don't know what is going to happen?Atlast I got through and now I am a part of WNS. I was glad and relaxed after getting my result.My process is Avon and am both positive and negative about it and though its a different process I think I can do well so let's see.For me its something very new that's why i am lookiong forward to it

27th March @ WNS InFininity BUilding!!!

I am here back to my blong after a long time and am writing something about me now.I just have started my CS training from yesterday and today is the second day. So I am still trying to cope myself with the whole proicess and this company. Let's see what happens next?

5th April@ WNS Infinity Buliding

Okay so I am back to my blog after a week and I am sitting here with my colleauges and waiting. We are gettign trained here for our Job so we are waiting for our trainer to come to the class and train us. but I am getting impatient for God knows why. I think i have wasted a lot of time in BPOS and I hate it.But still i am doing it from a long time. But now its getting nowhere now.And I am really pissed off and when I see myself I do not stand myself anywhere. Everyone known where they stand and what they want to do in life but I dont know about my future and where my career path is leading to???

17th April @ WNS Infinity Building!!

I just have started working in this company and am not satisfied with the job profile atall so as of now am looking for a change. Its getting hectic day per day.So i think i think this is not the right kind of company and job profile for me so I am planning for a change soon.So the only thing which is on ym mind is I will change this job profile and would look for a batter option.So that's what I am planning as of now, And now a there are whole lottta people who back stabs always everywhere.And for them its only one simple formulla. Tit for tat.And I will give them back for sure. I knw that I need a lot of imporvement and I need to change a lot. So may be i need to work harder and improve on so many things. So that I can make those mouths shut which barks at me.The whole idea is to make changes in me change as in my attitude,change in my views. my Prob is I am a kinda mixed with both old and modern attitude and views.So noone believes that If i like today's hiphop culture putting tattoos on my body at the same time I love to pray and do so many things traditionally.If I like today's Atif Aslam and Akon at the same time I love KL Saigal and Elvis Presley.So that's kinda person i am.

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