Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blogowarwood blog war in bollywood

Now Boollywood have become Blogowarwood!!( Blog war in Bollywood!! )

Right to freedom right of speech!!but thou not criticise!!

We the people by the people for the people...India being a democratic country provides each of her citizen a right to freedom and right to speech.Ever since the Constitution was formed everyone is enjoying all the constitutional rights in full form utilising those to the best.That means everyone is free to live a life the way they want,everyone one is free to speak anything they want.And today in the 21st century where people are flying on jet speed using advanced technologies,equipments have become more aware of their constitutional rights.Now they know how to utilise those rights in appropriate ways so that anyone would not have any objection.Because they have learnt to use the most powerful weapon as words such as "I am sorry", "I apologise".And that makes all the difference.No matter how hurting that could be,no matter how offensive that could be, no matter how rude that could be.Just go ahead comment or criticise anyone by any means if that does not become a big issue then "Oh I was just kidding"(In the name of humour)and if that does become a big issue then the weapons comes to use.Well no one to be blamed for it because we all have been brought up and learnt the same from each other.

But the real question is does a sensible person who is full of sense who knows what is wrong and what is right and more to that a big celebrity could do such an act?it does not make sense.Recently that's what Mr Amir Khan known to be the perfectionist and veteran actor of bollywood did for the second time.Its unbelievable that an actor like Amir Khan who came up with many great movies such as Lagaan (2002 Oscar nominated), Tare Zameen par could actually comment something really weird on his fellow colleagues.This is what Amir wrote about Sharukh on his blog.

"Shah Rukh is licking my feet and I am feeding him biscuits every now and then. What more can I ask for?" However...before you think Aamir has become vindictive and the two Superstars have had a falling out of some sort...the actor quickly clarifies,"Now, before you jump to any conclusions let me add that Shah Rukh is the name of our dog. And before you jump to any further conclusions let me add that I had nothing to do with naming him. In fact Shah Rukh is the dog of the caretakers of our house. When I bought this house it came with the caretakers and their dog! Apparently Shah Rukh (the actor) was shooting for a commercial in this house a few years ago, and that very day the caretakers bought a pup, and named him Shah Rukh. What are the chances of me buying a house which comes with a dog called Shah Rukh!!! Some of my friends claim that I bought the house just because of the dog. I would have to be a serious fan of Shah Rukh's to want to do that. Your guess..."

However, before signing off from his blog, he takes one final dig at the Baadshah of Bollywood by saying, "Well Shah Rukh is once again begging for my attention, so let
me get back to him. He is smelling too much, I think he needs a bath. 'Heel boy, heel'."

Commenting on the whole episode, Shah Rukh said: 'Earlier people used to name their children after famous people. Somebody naming a dog after a known person is a
new beginning in that direction. I don't have a copyright over this name if used non-commercially.'

The superstar, who owns the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders, is right now busy with IPL matches. However, a close friend of the superstar on promise of anonymity vented his unhappiness.

'Aamir's megalomania has been brewing for a while. Earlier, he declared himself No.1 as compared to SRK, who took it smilingly. Now Aamir is down to street-level provocation. It's best for Shah Rukh to ignore these efforts to get his attention.'
Says a very popular character-actor, who has worked with both stars: 'I guess the freedom provided by a blog tends to loosen tongues. Amitabh Bachchan has never been known to be this undiplomatic as he is on his blog.

"Aamir must have thought it's time to increase the odds,what if Amitji's blog gets more eyeballs! Also, his nephew's film is around the corner. During the release
of 'Taare Zameen Par' Aamir created a controversy by taking on Amitji and 'Black'. Now for the nephew, it's Shah Rukh being called a dog.'

Now again the blog war is also going on between Shahrukh and the legendary Big b(Amitabh Bachhan). One thing is really surprising here BIg b being such a senior artist and a brand more known for his modesty and mannerisms how he could comment like that on Shahrukh Khan?Its really so surprising and shocking to believe.Stars like Big B should not forget that they are the voice of so many people and whatever they say or comment becomes headlines. So they should better watch it and think twice before commenting anything like that on anyone.After all they are the people who represents our nation word wide.Doing such an act they not only loose respect but also make fun of themselves among the masses.

Amitabh Bacchan (Big B)

The war between Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan seems to have gained new steam after a recent post on the former's blog. According to his blog, Bachchan said he is puzzled over the falling TRP ratings for SRK's television show, Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hai, and asked bloggers to find out why. 'Why is there a depleted performance despite the presence of the biggest name in the business?' he wrote.Making subtle hints, Bachchan claimed that his television show, Kaun Banega Crorepati was a huge success, while the TRPs kept plummeting when SRK hosted the show later. 'KBC 1 ran non-stop for almost two years and then with an adequate break the 2 and the 3. I am unable to understand its falling interest as the graphs show despite the fact that they were presented by bigger and more popular stars, namely Shah Rukh,' he said.He went on to write about Paanchvi Pass, saying, 'And now to see Paanchvi Pass, or as one rival channel executive sniggered, Paanchvi Fail, afte...

Following the blog tradition our own Bollywood Hunk Salman Khan (Salu bhaiyaa)have come up with his own blog too.In his blog he has written how he believes in his own instincts and also how he is often misuderstood by the media and people.

Salman Khan

Salman's blog can be found here

These are few lines of one of the song of Amir Khan's Nephew's upcoming debut movie Jaane tu ya jaane na.. .most part of the lyrics of this song was rendered by Amir Khan...aimed at our hunky Salman Khan..again shows Amir Khan's attitude towards his fellow coleauges!!

Hai muscular ,hai popular,spectacular,he's a bachelor..
pappu ki gaadi tez hai.. pappu kudiyon main craze hai...
pappu ki aankhen light blue..pappu dikhta angrez hai..
angrezi ghadi haath main...perfume gucci wala..
but paapu cant dance saala... but pappu cant dance saala..
pappu naach nahin sakta..

MTV Roadies Just to more than a game.

The game ends
Mtv Roadies Just to more than a game.The game goes International finally ends..

Mind is all that matters!!!Brain Power!!

The most popular Tv show MTV Roadies 5.0 finally have come to an end when the most Ashi bhaiyaa the winner International Roadieleast deserving roadie Ashutosh finally became the first MTV International Roadie.But as it is said if you've got brains then your are a winner.He has been all dull and dumb all through the tasks that he needed to perform.Most of the time either he was injured or was not ready to perform.The only thing he did was making a perfect game plan and stratergy using his brain to throw people out so that he would be in and that's what worked for him making him a winner.

That last episode was a bit full of everything.Drama,action,emotion,fun,suspense all packed in one. I have been watching this game show from long time but I was not that much addicted towards it. But when I started watching the 5.0 version I was almost hooked to it,Since I am far away from my home and family and I am staying alone here I do not have a tv here so I always download it and watch it on my pc.I missed few espisodes in the last few weeks as the site from which I download these episodes had some problems.But i heard it from my friends about all the dramas that happened in the final espisode and I was so excited that I searched lots other sites and finally got a site where I was able to download the whole final episode.

One thing was very surprising in it.Ashutosh and Nihal were chosen to be the Ashu and Nihalfinalists and were supposed to compete with eachother to be the winner but it was not easy for them. The master mind Raghu made it really difficult for them all the roadies who were out were called back and were asked to choose between the two finalists. And the two finalsits were asked to choose from the ex roadies and make Return of all the ex roadiesseparate teams so that they could perform their final tasks.And they choose from the ex roadies according to their choice and formed separate teams.But when Raghu came there was a twist he swapped the 2 teams and made it difficult for the two finalists to perform their tasks.So all the ex roadies who hated the finalist roadie to the core got a chance to take revenge and give it back.

The final task was a real difficult one.Each team was given 5 tasks to perform but they were not to be performed by the finalist roadies. They were all to be performed by all the ex roadies in separate teams and the main task for the finalist roadies was to convince each of them to perform the tasks to perfection so that whichever Ranvijay and Raghu the masterminds
team wins the finalist of the team would be the winner.The taks were pretty weird ones. 1.Kiss a buig Lizard for atleast 5 seconds.2.One person to chop his/her head off, 3.One person to do a body piercing not on ears,belly but on nipples (gawwwd.. that hurts),4.Shred all clothes and get naked fully(That's so weird and absurd)5.Last but not the least to get slapped by the finalist (Gosh the sick minds...).And to much of the surprise even though the ex roadies who were supposed to hate the 2 finalists they being in the wrong group with the one they hate the msot performed all the tasks with all the ease. And everyone was surpsised as well shcoked to see the real spirit of the roadies.They were so excited to perform the tasks inspite of their much hatrted with the finalists.Call it the convincing capacity of the 2 finalists or the real spirit of the roadies in the end there was a tie between the teams.

Snehasish who was total an anti of Ashutosh did not even have a second thought to shred all his clothes and get naked only wrapping news papers on hsi body and also The final tasksgetting bald.That was the real spirit of him as a roadie.And again the last task to get slapped by the finalists,Sambhavi in Ashutosh's group was the one to get Sambhavi slapped hard by Ashu
ready without any hesitation.But the merciless Ashutosh slapped her so hard..(awwww that hurts).... And in the other team of Nihal Ijaz shred his clothes and got bald and Vibhor was slapped.The piercing part was also done without any hesitation The guy who pierced his nipples (gaawd.... it must be weird and painfull)..beared all the pain just for Ashutosh..see that was the spirit of a true roadie.

Anywayz in the end there was a tie as each of the teams performed the tasks so well and to the perfection.So the girl Sonal who was amongst the 3 finalists but was voted The final Kiss Sonelout by Ashutosh was given an advantage by Ranvijay to perform one of the five tasks and choose from both of the finalist for whom she did that task.So she choose to kiss the big lizard(Guana) for five seconds and dedicated to Ashutosh.And then there was celebrations...............Ashutosh.. the man.... who was known to be a least deserving roadie not performing the tasks and not participating was atlast the winner.That's called as mindgame.He used his mind game and planned the whole thing Ashu the winnerand came out as a true winner. That's the triumph story of a common dhaba guyfrom a small town.

The moral of the whole show and the story is mind power is mightier than muscle The International Roadiepower.So in life whatever we should do we need to use our minds and keep our coool and patience to be a true winner in the end. Peace.... cheers... Samit...

~~~Click here to watch the episode Online~~~

Roadies WallPaper

~~Click on the image for a Roadies Wallpaper~~

Personally my fav roadies are Sambhavi and Ashutosh

Sambhavi the most talked about Roadie

Her's a blog dedicated to Sambhavi..Click here

Friday, May 23, 2008

A date with Nazia Hassan the evergreen beautiful pop queen of the 80s

A tribute to the melodious,talented beautiful singer from Pakistan..

Tere kadmon ko chumoonga mujhe tu paas aane de.....a Nazia song dedicated to herself...

Aap Jaisa koi mere zindagi main aaye to baat ban jaaye.... haan haan baat ban jaaaye... the song speaks itself for the beautiful,talented and elegant singer Nazia Hassan.......... I grew up listening to her songs Disco deewane and Aap jaisa koi mere zindagi main aaye...from the movie Qurbani...The only thing that I knew about Nazia Hassan was that she is from Pakistan and she and Zohaib Hassan are a hit pair.I started exploring my passion for music in my college days when I used to buy Audio Cassettes and listen to so many songs in my stereo player.I have the habit of listening to different artists both national and international.So everyday I used to visit the music shops to buy something new or other.It was then I came to know about the different pop Albums of Nazia and Zohaib hassan...I still remeber the first audio Cassette I bought of Nazia was 'Young Tarang' and I really liked all the tracks in that... I enjoyed the album with the melodious and sensual voice of Nazia and afterwards I got hold of 2 more albums 'Camera Camera' and 'Hotline'. I liked each and every track of all the albums the music they composed the lyrics they wrote and also their great voice. The songs which I liked the most are 'Dam dam dee dee dam dam, 'Aag de de aag le le',Camera Camera, Zara chehra to dikhao,Kya hua,jaana (One of my all time fav), Momma papa. At that time I did not even know the other album which I missed out..named 'Boom Boom/Star'(Songs from Boom boom were were such major hits that they were included in the Kumar Gaurav starrer movie 'Star'composed by Bidu).But later on after years.. when Bidu came up with a remix version of the 'Boom Boom' album in the 90's I came to know about the album and I was really surprised that howcome I missed such wonderful tracks and album of Nazia and Zohaib?Anywayz I really enjoyed all the songs of the album and continued listening to Nazia's greta voice for years.I never got bored with the albums. Eachtime I listen to each of her album I felt really fresh.

Days passed by,life moved on with lot of ups n downs and happenings.I graduated from college and got into so many things, but Nazia and her voice still continued to be a part of my life.At that Computers and Internet were pretty exclusive and rare items.If someone would have a computer at home then he was regarded as a rich and luxurious person.So all the informations and news we would know that would be either by TV, Books,News papers or magazines.So i was not atall aware of Nazia's personal life and much about her musical career.Again those days that was the pick point of my career build up so I was so busy concentrating on my studies and job hunting.And in the course I did not even realise that Nazia Hassan the so young and beautiful singer who was full of life was sufferring from lung cancer and struggling for life. So i did not even know that she lost the battle in the year 2000.It was there in news for sure in news papers,TV and other mediums but its so strange that I could not even know that Nazia was no longer on this earth. That's the saddest part.

I have all the Nazia And Zohaib Albums including the Remix,all time hits and the new Zohaib Album 'Kismet' in Mp3 format and Will upload few of them exclusively here for you soon..check here later...

This is a collage of our sweet Nazia I made for a tribute Click on the picture to make it larger
A collage of Nadia made by me

Now when I left home and came here to New Delhi to stand on my own in the year 2003-2004 it was almost 3-4 years that Nazia left the world.Look at the irony that for me even at that time Nazia was still alive.I had to leave all my music collections at home though I wanted to bring those along with me I could not i was heavily loaded with other stuffs.Later on here in new Delhi when I organised myself I took a home Internet connection and I caught hold of almost all the albums of Nadia and Zohaib and I was really happy for that.I again continued to listen to my sweet Nazia and her sweet voice.I was actually falling for her voice big time.I tried to search for informations about her and then came the big shock of my life. I discovered that Nazia is actually nomore and its difficult for me to write here how I felt at that point of time.Before the love in my life could come in it went away soooo far that it could not even come back.I was all depressed and sad I but did not get much hated myself that howcome I was not aware of all these things all these years and I was under this impression that Nazia was alive and rocking.Today when I was looking for Nadia's life history, her musical career I explored so many facts that I was not even aware of. I came to see this beautiful,gorgeous girl's photographs who have rocked Another collage of Nadia made by me click on it to see a larger versionaway as the pop queen of the 80's with Zohaib Hassan. And believe me I almost felt.. so low and and deeply sad..to explore this gorgeous young pop queen's life history.Its pretty unbelievable that at such a young age she left the world and she is no more with us.But her voice,her songs and her memories are.. and willalways remain alive in all of our hearts and memories. I did not know this personal side of Nazia Hassan. Who I came to know was a wonderful person at heart,soft spoken and so down to earth.Its really aching that such a talent is no more with us.Before she could taste the real flavours of life she was taken away.She left a realsweet kid behind her.

Did you know ??
In 1978, in England, thirteen-year-old Nazia recorded a song "Aap jaisa koi meri zindigi mein Aaye, to baath bun jaaye" (film: Qurbani, music: Biddu, lyrics: Indeevar, pictured on Zeenat Aman).


"Aap jaisa koi" is considered the first pop song of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent, the greatest achievement of Nazia, hence, and a milestone in her music career.

Disco Deewane First album 1979

In 1979, both Nazia and Zohaib came out with their first music album "Disco Deewanay", which happened to be a record-breaking collection of pop songs.

She became the heartthrob of teenagers with songs like: Komal palkain bojhal,Boom boom,Dum dum, dee dee,Aaona pyar karain, and many more.

Nazia was married to an entrepreneur, Ishtiaq Baig, in 1995, with whom she had a son, Areez, in 1997.She had been battling against cancer since 1996 and eventually succumbed to it onSunday morning. She was only 35 years old.

The news of the death of pop star Nazia Hasan on Sunday, August 13, 2000, spread like wildfire. Within seconds, the Internet, newspapers and the rest of the news media around the globe were flashing the news of her final journey. Amidst the sobs and tears, almost every one had one thing in mind, i.e., "God Almighty had showered Nazia with all the
bounties, except length of age.


Alisha Chinai's hit song "Made in India", which marked the birth of Indian pop music, was originally written for Pakistani pop star Nazia Hassan. But in an illustration of the region's obsession with borders, the sub-continent's first disco diva of the pre-MTV era turned the song down. The late Hassan, an intensely political person, was the first Pakistani artiste to win a Filmfare award and towards the end of her life, saw herself as a symbol of "youth culture" for the whole sub-continent. Yet she told song-writer and music director Biddu she could not bring herself to sing something likely to offend - in different ways – her fans in Pakistan and India. She is loved across the border, as much as she is within.The news of the death of pop star Nazia Hasan on Sunday, August 13, 2000, spread like wildfire.

No matter what 'Nazia' here in this fast pace 21st Century where people are becoming more westernised and tech slaves noone remembers the people of the past.They were soon fading away in our memories this is a tribute to a sweetheart like you to keep you alive in all our hearts forever and ever.We have been, we are and we will be missing you big time 'Nazia'.May your soul rest in pease.You'd be turly missed.I love you......'Nazia'

Click here to know more about her in details...

Check out Few exclusive videos and songs of Nazia





Zoheb Hassan - Memories of Nazia Hassan Click here


Zoheb Hassan - tribute to nazia Click here


A Tribute to Nazia & Zohaib Hassan Click here

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Doordarshan days Sweet memories will always linger on

Doordarshan Logo
Good Old days....are here to stay forever........Jab main chota baccha tha...badi shararat karta tha...

This is a little effort of mine to keep alive the forgotten Doordarshan channel and all the memories we all have attached and associated with it.

Bharat Ek Khoj(Discovery of India)
Now this is something which goes in the background of my mind every time... The Title song... of an Old Doorsarshan Serial...Bharat Ek Khoj- Discovery of India...Remember?? It goes like.. Srishti se pehle sach nahin tha.... Asatya bhi nahin...anatariksh bhi nahin..aaksh bhi nahin tha..chipa tha kahan... kab...

Discovery of India Audio CDs in 2 volumes!!

Her's the review of 2 cd Audio Cds set of Discover of India available here to buy

August 11th 2010-Finally got hands of the videos of all the Episodes.. that Iv'e been searching for and it feels great.... status downloading....

For Those who don’t know about Doordarshan : Click Here

And click on the image to get a bigger view for a beautiful collage of DD serials and commercials made by me.

Now it reminds me of so many things.. I was such a small kid when this serials used to come in Doordarshan (DD1)..Oh.... those good old days... unforgettable....sweetest memories... I still remember those days though I was a little kid but then....I remember I was a little kid and we used to live in a rented house, my father used to be a govt employee and my mother used to be a teacher in a girl's high school. By that time We did not have our own TV so we used to visit our neighbour to watch few programmes.My first major encounter with Doordarshan was back in the year 1982 with the Asiad games which I wathced in one of our neighbour's house and was so fascinated about the games and also the Doordarshan channel's other programmes.That was like a daily routine sson after I reach home from school I would just eat something made by mom and would run to watch TV.Though our neighbour did not complain but my parents did not like me and my elder brother to watch TV at someone's else's place everytime.So one find day papa got a Black & white set home and we were all so happy that atlast we got our own TV.Thus our experience with TV and Doordarshan began. However that was all colorless and we did not enjoy it that much and we were after papa to bring a color one.And atlast papa brought a color one and there was no limit of our joys and then our real experience with TV and Doordarshan started. Ahh those old days...simple yet so happy life...I remember how we used to wait for Wednesday to come soon in the week so that we would watch our favourite programme Chitrahaar (A programme consists of new and old songs from different movies from HIndi Cinema). We would be asked to complete our homeworks quickly yet efficiently if we want to see the programme.And we would not even miss a single trailer of it.There used to be so many other programmes and serials few of favourite which I used to watch was He man and the masters of the universe (An animated serial used to be telecasted on Sundays). )The charlie Chaplin movies also used to be telecasted on Sundays. Kacchi Dhoop(Starring Bhagyashree one of my fav actress till now which I had a big time crush then directed by the very famous and talented Actor and director Mr Amol Palekar, The Lucy Show (A foreign comedy show),Different strokes (Again a foreign comedy show of black kids),Spiderman(Animated series used to come on Sundays as well),And me and my elder bother were big time Cricket fan. We would do nything simply anything to watch Cricket matches then. We were big time fans of Sunil Gavaskar, Kirshna Machari Srikanth, Dilip Vengsarkar, Kapil Dev and all those cricket maestros. Even we liked foreign cricket players namely Ian Botham(England), Allan Border(Australia),Gary Sobbers,Vivian Richards(West Indies),Jeff and Martin Crowe(New Zeland) and so on.Again the parade on the republic day we used to watch after returning from school.Again the mega mythological Epics Ramayan and Mahabharat mesmerised people and bound them to their homes,also serials like RK Narayan's great creation Malgudi Days(Those picture of all the villages with innocent people with simple life styles) ,Buniyaad,Hum Log(Prpbably the first ever biggest family drama which was a majot hit among the >masses),Nukkad,Karamchand,Byomkesh Bakshi(The 2 mega detective thrillers which made trade marks and stars),Yeh jo hai Zindagi(Great family entertainer) were so very famous among all the people.Even after so many years Iv'e searched for the episodes of these serials and was successful finding all the episodes of Malgudi days and I am a proud owner of all the episodes now.


Different strokes star Dana plato dies at 34

Different Strokes star Gary Coleman dies at 42

~~~~Here is a list of the Old Doordarshan Serials~~~~

If you could remember more than please mail me at creativeguysam@gmail.com it's a request thanx.

~~~~And Click here for a Priya's great blog I found which have lot of DD comercial videos,music of various serials and infos~~~~

Here goes my exclusive collections of Doordarshan Serials,commercials and sweet memories which I have been collecting from so long.
Oh Yes and how can I forget all those commercials and documentries?One of them is evergreen and is such a sweeeeet and cute animated Documentary.That is Ekta Anekta...it goes like Ek Titli...anek titlayian......ek gilhari anek gilhariyan........ and also Jab main chota baccha tha badi shararat karta tha... tab bhi chori pakdi jaati... jab roshni hota bajaj.. again Nirma Nirma... iske daag ne jaadu kar diya.... adding more Narangila rasila... mere liye Rasna,Pan Parag pan masala pan parag...ek se mera kya hoga.. to aap do lijiye... aur mere liye?:)..chahiye hawa jahan khaitan hai wahan.,...etc etc...And not to forget all the unforgottable serial's title songs.The one which is my personal favorite is Ta na na na na......ta na na na.... from Malgudi Days...and Also jungle jungle baat chali hai pata chala hai.. from the Jungle Book.And Also unforgottables National Intigration Ads like MIle Sur mera Tumhara,Baje Sargam...were very popular.

Here are few of them.....

Vicco turmeric,
Nahin cosmetic
Vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream

Keel muhason ko jadh se mitaye
Haldi chandan ke gun ismein samayetwacha ki raksha kare ayurvedic cream

Vicco turmeric,
Nahin cosmetic
Vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream

Sevasahram brahmi awala kesh tel

Baalon ki umar badaye
Naari ka yeh roop sajaye
Sevasahram brahmi awala kesh tel

Washin powder Nirma, Washing powder Nirma
Doodh si safedi, Nirma se aayi
Rangeen kapde bhi khil khil jaaye
..(can someone complete this... That opening Twang of this Jingle is all that I remember of Nirma...)

Mere kaale ghane lambe baalon ka raaz, Dabur amla kesh tel (Sridevi to Deepika)

~~~~For more click here~~

Now her's the link to watch the
Ekta Anekta Video online..

And here's the link to watch the
Jungle Book title song...Jungle Jungle baat chali hai..


Link for Malgudi Days ..
To watch online...ta na na na na......


It's with me always I never can forget my roots or my past am so attached to my past and my memories that often I get so sad thinking of all the old days.And wish I cud get back to that time.Things were so simple.innocent and nice.People were also very simple,innocent and there was charm in human relationships.People used to care about the little things in life which means a lot.In any festival people used to get together and used to share sweets and moments of happiness and joys.But now in this so called modern days people have become so selfish and self centered that they do not even care about each other they do not even have time to share those little things and happiness.Everyone is just blindly running after money and mirages.
When a human being grows from a child to man.Then in the process he comes across so many things,paths,hurdles,ups n downs.And while doing so he does not even realise when he leaves his innocence and simplicity.It feels to me that its just yesterday I was a kid and suddenly I grew up to a man and now I am to face this cruel world.