Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Samit Kar, Fashion Designer ,Founder Sambalika The New Innovation ,Graphic Sutra
www.graphicsutra.com www.sambalika.com

And I am back again !! Hurrayyyyy 
11/05/2024, Place -Sambalpur,Odisha

It's been years and it feels like many decades. I have been stumbling upon my MAC, I fixed it after almost 2 long years, and I found my dear Old Blog in the favorites of then Internet explorer and Now Microsoft Edge browser along with many of my old data and stuffs. I was so overwhelmed with joy to find out my old posts which I started here in 2007 and almost stopped in the year 2015 and now again starting in 2024.This is seriously like getting an old treasure back. Those golden days of mine away from my hometown living alone, exploring life, dealing with my own struggles. Almost everything is changed now. It's almost a new world we are living now. Back at that time there was no social media, YouTube & other platforms. Life was much simpler, the world was much greener & clean, people were more humans.

                                                          Writing Blog Old Days in Delhi 

Old Days Exploring The Beauty of Taj Mahal in Delhi 2009

Nostalgia . My old Place That I used to live in Katwaria Sarai,New Delhi 

 Diwali Celebration Back in 2009 , New Delhi , Those were the golden days

To be continued ....