Thursday, September 17, 2009

Microsoft's Latest Windows OS!! WinDows 7!!


Microsoft announced that their next operating system will be known as Windows 7 Seven during production. I got my hands on one of the promotional posters for the new OS.

The New Version of Windows OS!! Windows 7!! It seems to be a lot more user friendly than Vista. It seems that Microsoft has finally learnt from its mistakes of the past and is keen on ensuring that it does not repeat the same in the future.

Another screen shot shows a larger than normal Windows Start Bar with reference to the weather and other such indicators along with the traditional list of software applications currently in use.

The screen shots indicate not just the level of development in graphics and design but also the improvements in functionality. One screenshot shows a bar at the bottom of the screen containing links to music, videos, photos, audio CD, DVD video, Television and All Medias.

The data transfer box has been revamped to look really snazzy. A bold and large box indicates the level of transfer of data while the actual data transfer in indicated in the background.

One image released by Microsoft contains a cluster of the icons including the Internet Explorer in a circle. This is an exciting development as this will make it easier for the individual to start his or her favorite software applications. All one has to do is activate the circle and one... Read More’s favorite software applications are available at a click of the mouse.

While Windows 7 uses the same kernel as Windows Vista, it certainly looks much better. The vibrant colors and the contrasts used in Windows 7 seem to be lot more pleasing as compared to the earlier versions of Windows operating system. Overall, the images released by Microsoft have successfully increased the interest of the users of Windows operating system. Windows 7 is all set to be released in 2010

Try it now click here to Download Win7 !!Links!!

Cool Windows & wallpapers in high Resolutions!!

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AR RaHmAnia!!

Playing Old RahMan music!!(Tamil and Telugu) Originality rocks though I do not understand the languages but anything from the Musical genius I love and enjoy da most!! Ahh those days!! My teen age memories!! I can not forget how I used to listen Rahman's music all the time(Even Tamil and Telugu) irrespective of the language barrier. Its his music that rocks!! He is a master creator of unique,different and melodious music.Iv'e been been a great fan of his music since from my teen age days.I eagerly used to wait for his next album to come.Those were the time of audio cassettes and I had a great collection.Eversince the digital music revolution happened (Mp3) I even have been collecting very rare and exclusive Rahman albums.And I am so glad that Iv'e got hands on those unheard and rare melodies.

Click Here for RaHman DisCoGraphy!!


My first ever live experience with the Indian beauty and pride 'The Tajmahal' September 7th 2009

It was a dream coming true when I recently visited the Indian pride 'The Tajmahal' on the 7th of September

with my wife. I have been curious,eager and anxious all my life to experience the beauty of 'The Tajmahal live. Though I have been staying in Delhi from last 4 years I never got a chance to visit Agra where the beauty is located at.But after I tied the knot recently on March the 4th I have experienced a lot of changes and new things in my life which I have been looking and waiting all my life.The 'Tajmahal' visit is one of them.So when I first witnessed the beauty live I was quite amazed and awestruck. Its 400 years old Architecture God damn it!! It took 28 years and 20 thousand people to build.Known as the greatest symbol of 'Immortal love' built by the Mughal Emperor 'Shahjahan' in memory of his beloved and favorite wife 'Mumtaz'.


Book Reviews

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Ok, I will admit I'm not Dan Brown's biggest fan. But I have to give the man credits for marketing his books nicely. The most acclaimed "The Da Vinci Code" scratched the surface of some very interesting ideas that have been floating around for thousands of years. Unfortunately, he just scratched the surface and was content to take a great premise and wedge it into a contrived and boring plot. The Lost Symbolis Brown's third Robert Langdon thriller, after Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code. In his new book Langdon uncovered conspiracies within the Catholic church that involved art and science. The Lost Symbol has been released worldwide on the 15th September 2009.

The Lost Symbol Website

Link to Download

'How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci'
I got hold of another Leonardo Da vinci great book while surfing the web.

Isn't it a great book??It will explain the ways how to think like the genius!! All my life I have always got inspirations from Leonardo Da vinci's life, his genius works,his creative ideas.

The self-help book that Leonardo never wrote, it offers a revolutionary approach to learning and creativity.
Drawing on Leonardo's notebooks, inventions and legendary works of art, this book introduces seven principles for thinking like history's greatest genius.
From the notebook's celebration of an insatiably curious approach to life (curiosita') to the willingness to embrace uncertainty and paradox (sfumato) embodied in Mona Lisa's smile, these principles will seem at once intuitively familiar and surprisingly powerful.
Offering an abundance of interactive, entertaining exercises to help you master each principle, you'll learn how to apply then at work, home, and everywhere else!

"How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci" has been translated into 24 languages and has sold more than 500,000 copies worldwide.
It has appeared on the best-seller lists of the Washington Post and NY Times and was #1 on when first released in September of 1998.
It was also featured in the movie "The Italian Job"!

Her's I am sharing the link where you can download this great treasure.
Audio book Size ~ 22.7MB/ Format mp3
Link to download


'The Lost notebook of Leonardo Da Vinci'

And I got even another one I am turning out lucky today to get all these treasures.The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci equal the importance of his paintings and are perhaps the greatest literary legacy any artist has bequeathed to the world. He wrote about his sketches, inventions, architecture, elements of mechanics, painting ideas, human anatomy, grocery lists and even people that owed him money. Leonardo kept notebooks throughout his life, in which he wrote daily, often in a private "backwards" or mirror-image handwriting. While the popular belief that he did this to keep some amount of secrecy may have some truth, the more plausible reason is that he did this naturally due to his left-handedness. It is easier to pull a quill pen than to push it; by using mirror-writing, the left-handed writer is able to pull the pen from right to left. It also prevents the ink from smudging. After his death, his notebooks fell into the possession of his favourite apprentice Francesco Melzi. Melzi held onto most of them and kept them safe until his own death in 1579. Melzi's heirs had less respect for the material and began to break up this huge and immensely important body of material. Indeed, to begin with, they left the notebooks in an attic, having no understanding of its significance, and then they gave them away or sold them cheaply to friends and collectors. In 1630 Pompeo Leoni, a sculptor in the Court of the King of Spain, acquired much of the material and tried to organise it by subject. This unfortunately resulted in the books being taken apart and the original order, which might have told us much about Leonardo's thinking, was lost. Each of the new books created by this process was a Codex, that resulted in two large collections, now known as the Codex Atlanticus and the Windsor Collection.

130 Pages/PDF/English/36.8 mb

Download the treasure here

'Math and the MonaLisa' The art and science of Leonardo Da Vinci

Today is the one of the luckiest day for me as I again got another Leonardo Treasure !!!
Smithsonian (April 2004)

Math and the Mona Lisa The Art and Science of Leonardo da Vinci/by Atalay B (Author)
Math and the Mona Lisa sees the transcendant unity of art and science in almost every aspect of Leonardo's life and work. Atalay seeks the consilience of science and art—painting, architecture, sculpture, music, mathematics, physics, biology, astronomy, and engineering—and the unity of the two cultures. He delves deeply into the underlying mathematics and aesthetics of science and art, paying special attention to the mathematical sequence called the Fibonacci series and to the related notion of the "golden ratio" or "divine proportion"—the keys to understanding the unity of art and nature. 32 b/w and 16 color illustrations.

In this readable, if less than compelling, disquisition on the close relationship of art and science, physics professor Atalay uses as his touchstone Leonardo da Vinci, of whom he says in his prologue: "Had [da Vinci] been able to publish the scientific ruminations found in his manuscripts in his own time, our present level of sophistication in science and technology might have been reached one or two centuries earlier." This assertion sets the buoyant tone for the rest of the book. The author marvels at the symmetries to be found in art and the natural world, discussing the Fibonacci series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8...) and the golden ratio related to it designated by the Greek letter phi (1.618...) with illustrated examples ranging from da Vinci's three portraits of women to the Great Pyramid and the Parthenon. He concedes the existence of asymmetry and dissonance, but chooses not to get into such subjects as chaos theory and fractals that don't fit his harmonious view of the universe. While Atalay makes an agreeable guide, he covers too much ground that will already be familiar to his likely audience.

PDF 352 pages English 4.4mb
Download here


History of Art!!
Another Art treasure Iv'e found.

This work takes a fascinating and thought-provoking look at the major movements in the history of Western painting. It provides information about the topic ranging from the glories of High Renaissance Italy through the Romantics and Impressionists to the radical Abstract Expressionists. It contains a beautiful and colourful illustrated summary of painting's greatest works.

A.N. Hodge "The History of Art: The Essential Guide to Painting Through the Ages"
Arcturus foulsham 2007-08-09 ISBN: 057203377X 208 pages PDF 27.8 MB

Download here


Top Movies Based on Novels!!

Da Vinci Code!!

Dan Brown is a writer best known for his mystic and enigmatic style of expressing his thoughts into words in all his works!! This book created such a stir and started a revolution all over the world about Christianity and its beliefs.Eventhough Dan Brown called it a pure fictional work of him he again tried to prove his point by describing and providing evidences of The Great Genius Leonardo Da Vinci's works!!His genius works 'Monalisa' and 'The Great supper' are claimed to have hidden secrets and codes.However it was opposed,criticized by so many people all over the world.Still then the way all the incidents leads to an enigmatic mystery towards the secret Da vinci codes is really an interesting read and must watch movie.

Have you read the novel?? Have you watched the movie?? If your answer is yes then share your thoughts and views!!

Ebook-Link to download
The Godfather!!

Vito Corleone is the aging don (head) of the Corleone Mafia Family. His youngest son Michael has returned from WWII just in time to see the wedding of Connie Corleone (Michael’s sister) to Carlo Rizzi. All of Michael’s family is involved with the Mafia, but Michael just wants to live a normal life. Drug dealer Virgil Sollozzo is looking for Mafia Families to offer him protection in exchange for a profit of the drug money. He approaches Don Corleone about it, but, much against the advice of the Don’s lawyer Tom Hagen, the Don is morally against the use of drugs, and turns down the offer. This does not please Sollozzo, who has the Don shot down by some of his hit men. The Don barely survives, which leads his son Michael to begin a violent mob war against Sollozzo and tears the Corleone family apart.

This movie is an adaptation of Mario Puzo's book - probably the single most important and influential film ever made. Starring Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone, Al Pacino as Michael Corleone, and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Mario Puzo assisted with writing the screenplay and with other production tasks. The film grossed approximately $134 million and won various awards, including three Academy Awards, five Golden Globes and a Grammy and is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time. The sequel, The Godfather Part II won six Oscars, and became the first sequel to win the Oscar for Best Picture.

Have you read the novel?? Have you watched the movie?? If your answer is yes then share your thoughts and views!!

Ebook-Link to download

The Schindler's List!!

The true story of Oscar Schindler, a German businessman who owns a factory. He witnesses the horrifying visions of the Holocaust and the toll it takes on the Jewish people. Eventually, he creates a list of over 1100 Jews whom he saves from death. This movie won 7 oscars. It moves you and changes your thinking about life. I think Spielberg will remain an immortal filmmaker through the work he put into this film.

Have you read the novel?? Have you watched the movie?? If your answer is yes then share your thoughts and views!!

Ebook-Link to download

The Silence of the lambs!!

Clarice Starling, a young intelligent FBI trainee, has been sent to the Batlimore state hospital for the Criminally insane to interview an inmate Dr. Hannibal-the cannibal- Lecter. A Brilliant renowned psychiatrist turned infamous Psychopathic Serial killer. She must match wits with Lecter -who has the darkest of all minds- and trust him to give her clues in the search for “Buffalo Bill”. a nick name for a loose,unknown, unstoppable Pyschopathic Serial killer.

The Silence of the Lambs, by Thomas Harris, is even better than the successful movie. Like his earlier Red Dragon, the book takes us inside the world of professional criminal investigation. All the elements of a well-executed thriller are working here--driving suspense, compelling characters, inside information, publicity-hungry bureaucrats thwarting the search, and the clock ticking relentlessly down toward the death of another young woman. What enriches this well-told tale is the opportunity to live inside the minds of both the crime fighters and the criminals as each struggles in a prison of pain and seeks, sometimes violently, relief.

Have you read the novel?? Have you watched the movie?? If your answer is yes then share your thoughts and views!!

Ebook-Link to download

The Note book!!

This movie focuses on an old man reading a story to an old woman in a nursing home. The story he reads follows two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun, who meet one evening at a carnival. But they are separated by Allie’s parents who dissaporove of Noah’s not wealthy family, and move Allie away. After waiting for Noah to write her for several years, Allie meets and gets engaged to a handsome young soldier named Lon. Allie, then, with her love for Noah still alive, stops by Noah’s 200-year-old home that he restored for her, “to see if he’s okay”. It is evident that they still have feelings for each other, and Allie has to choose between her fiancé and her first love.

I can honestly say that I have watched it over 10 times and I have cried every single time . The movie was based on "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks - a short novel, so you could read it in one day if you had time.

Have you read the novel?? Have you watched the movie?? If your answer is yes then share your thoughts and views!!

Ebook-Link to download

The Bourne Ultimatum!!

Bourne is once again brought out of hiding, Jason Bourne is now hunted by the people who made him what he is–legendary assassin. Having lost his memory and the one person he loved, he is undeterred by the barrage of bullets and a new generation of highly-trained killers. Bourne has only one objective: to go back to the beginning and find out who he was. I think The Bourne Ultimatum (Bourne Trilogy, Book 3) was the best one from the series.

Have you read the novel?? Have you watched the movie?? If your answer is yes then share your thoughts and views!!

Ebook-Link to download

Lord of the rings!

Peter Jackson, with funding from New Line Cinema, produced three movies based on J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings". Filmed entirely in New Zealand, and starring actors such as Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins), Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn), Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Liv Tyler (Arwen), Orlando Bloom (Legolas), and Christopher Lee (Saruman), the movies approximately follow the three volumes of The Lord of the Rings with which most Tolkien fans are familiar: "The Fellowship of the Ring" (December 19, 2001), "The Two Towers" (December 18, 2002), and "The Return of the King" (December 17, 2003)

Have you read the novel?? Have you watched the movie?? If your answer is yes then share your thoughts and views!!

Ebook-Link to download


The movie is a remake of the 1932 classic. The 1983 version follows cuban refugee, Tony Montana and his close friend Manny Ray, and together they build a strong drug empire in Miami. Of course Montana must deal with the hardships of this type of buisness. And as Montana’s power begins to grow so does his ego and his paranoia.
John’s Thought: Which line was better? “Say hello to my little friend” or “first, you get the money…”?

Have you read the novel?? Have you watched the movie?? If your answer is yes then share your thoughts and views!!

Ebook-Link to download

BBC's All Time Top 100 Best Novels

1984, George Orwell
A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving
A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
A Town Like Alice, Nevil Shute
Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Animal Farm, George Orwell
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
Read more in the list...

PDF English 216 MB in Five Parts
Part1Download/Part2Download/Part3Download/Part4Download/Part5 download


Salman Khan the name needs no introduction is absolutely the superstar king of BollyWood!! With his perfect physique,body language,style,dialogue delivery and his amazing charm he has won many hearts and fans. I am a big fan of him and have been quite inspired by his persona from my childhood.With his latest release 'Wanted' he again have rocked the nation with his amazing charisma. I have been waiting for a Salman movie like this where he would do hard core actions and stunts and this movie has it all.Hardcore actions,stunts and not forget Salman's amazing Prabhu Deva style dancing. He has done it all in the movie by working so hard on the movie.'Wanted' Rocks and so also Salman....Not only this he is coming up with pretty awesome movies (Main aur Mrs Khanna plays a charming husband in London Dreams a rocking singer,in Veer he lays a historical warrior...screenplay written by himself) like never before where he has used all that he's got. And again not only on big screen on small screen too he has charmed everyone with his wit,humor and charming persona (Dus Ka Dum).Keep rocking Salu you have a long way to go.

Wanted created history on Eid by recording the highest collections ever on a Monday. Wanted grossed a huge 7.25 crore nett on Monday which is higher than what Ghajini did on its first Monday. But it must be noted that the Ghajini Monday was not a holiday.

The four day nett business of Wanted is now around 25.25 crore nett and 35 crore nett first week is on the cards and it could even go higher depending what happens today.

Wanted had underperformed in parts over the first two days but its business on Eid holiday Monday means the film is a sure hit and if it can sustain from here on it could emerge a Super Hit or better.

Music Review London Dreams!!

The forthcoming musical stars Salman Khan, Ajay Devgan and Asin.

The album contains eight originals and three remixes. While most of the original numbers are interesting, the remixes are average.

"Barso Yaaro" has a total rock feel with heavy percussion and contemporary sounds. A power-packed song, it is sure to attract listeners, especially youngsters. Sung by Vishal Dadlani and Roop Kumar Rathod, the song starts with a bang but mellows down in between when Rathod makes his entry. The music then becomes more Indianised. But it does revisit the rock mode in the last minute as well...A really nice song.

Up next is "Man ko ati bhavey" crooned by Shankar Mahadevan and it combines Western music with Indianised vocals. The number is fast-paced but doesn't impress much.

It also has a remixed version.

Tapkey masti" has youngster Feroz Khan behind the microphone. Though it has a strong musical backing and a Punjabi influence, it ends up as an average number.

This too has a remixed version.

Next in line is "Khanabadosh", another heavily orchestrated track sung by Mohan. Energetic and foot-tapping, this rendition grows on you. It doesn't make an impact instantly, but the more you hear it, the more you will like it.

The remixed version of the song is not that great. The original is much better.

The next track "Khwab jo" is a complete shift from the other songs. Wonderfully sung by two brilliant singers, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Shankar Mahadevan, it is a soft, pleasing track in the signature style of the composer trio. The number is a mix of classical and soft rock.

Roop Kumar Rathod creates an impact with the next song "Yaari bina", a strong and power-packed song that instantly gives you an adrenaline rush. It has a Sufi flavour and electronic elements as well.

Then we have "Jashn jeet ka" by Abhijit Ghoshal. The track is edgy and energetic. The highlight of the song is the electronic, rock and Arabic arrangements apart from the vocals by Ghoshal.

Finally, there is an interesting track called "Shola shola" sung by Zubeen Garg. It has a dark flavour and gives a sense of intrigue.

On the whole, the composers have churned out really interesting tunes. But Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy have tried to move away from their style and try something different with the music of 'London Dreams'.

Source: IANS



Rosy Like a Rose!!

Meet Rosy my life partner,my gf,a friend,soulmate and a guide to me!! All of my life Iv'e been waiting for someone like her to come into my life and make it complete.Ever since she came into my life it has changed big time.Infact lots of my long awaited dreams came true.We tied knot on March the 4th 2009 and, it was an arranged marriage but lot of people dunt believe it, they think its a love marriage.Within a very short period of time we got along very well with each other after our marriage was fixed.And now we are a happy couple living happily.




Spider Lizard!!!

A lizard that looks startlingly like Spider-Man - Mwanza flat-headed rock agama - has become the latest fashionable pet.

Spider-Lizard, Spider-Lizard, does whatever a Spider-Lizard does Photo: CATERS NEWS
Male Mwanza flat-headed rock agama. Lizard that looks like Spider-Man is the latest pet craze

The vivid red-and-blue colouring is almost uncannily like that of the Marvel superhero, and comic book fans have been flocking to exotic pet shops to snap them up.

Agamas like the Spider-Lizard, as it has become known make good pets, as they become tame and docile if handled regularly. However, they require specialist equipment in the UK to maintain their temperature.

It can grow up to a foot long, and the squeamish may find it a problem to feed ? a balanced diet for an agama includes locusts, crickets, mealworms and waxworms.

Native to Kenya, the rock agama (Agama mwanzae) is unable to throw webs, but can change colour ? the brightly coloured males will change brown at night or if frightened. They can also run on their hind legs, and ? like Spidey ? can scale vertical walls. Amazing isnt it ??

Source: The Telegraph!!



SHaHEnShah!! Funny Animated Ad!!!

This is hillarious watch it lol!!!


I am really into Relaxing,soothing,lounge albums now a days which is great to listen to in any mood and I have a great collection of many great,exclusive and rare albums with me now. Which I will share here on my blog from time to time.This is one of them.

Relaxing Bossa Lounge!!

Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Relaxing Bossa Lounge
Year Of Release: 2009-04-20
Label: Vidisco
Genre: Nu Jazz, Bossa Nova
Quality: MP3 / Joint Stereo
Bitrate: 164 kbps avg / 44.1 Khz
Total Time: 75:28 mIn
Total Size: 89,4 mB

Compilation of twenty of the biggest pop hits, remade in the Bossa Nova style. Enjoy it and support the artists!

01. Marcela Mangabeira - You're Beautiful 3:04
02. Roberto Menescal & Marcela Mangabeira - These Are The Days Of Our Lives 4:26
03. Malu Von Kruger - Baby Can I Hold You (Sorry) 3:10
04. Cris Delanno - Crazy Little Thing Called Love 3:07
05. Malu Von Kruger - Fields Of Gold 3:31
06. Vika - Purple Rain 4:15
07. Dudu Braga - Tears In Heaven 3:57
08. Cris Delanno - Isn't She Lovely 3:20
09. Maira Martins - True Colors 3:16
10. Juliana Aquino - I Will Survive 5:41
11. Maria Augusta - How Deep Is Your Love 3:24
12. Marcela Mangabeira - September 4:05
13. Roberta Lima - Everytime You Go Away 4:13
14. Karla Sabah - A Kind Of Magic 4:00
15. Juliana Aquino - I'm Every Woman 5:25
16. Taryn Szpilman - I Say A Little Prayer For You 3:10
17. Tahta Menezes - Light My Fire 3:07
18. Marcela Mangabeira - Lovin' You 3:30
19. Roberta Lima - Like A Virgin 3:28
20. Maira Martins - Love Is Love 3:19

Click here to download

More Albums...

Unbelievable Stories of Dracula's Cruelty Most Likely True

Wallachian commander Vlad Ţepeş (Impaler), whose residence was located in Sighisoara,

Romania, was neither a vampire nor any other supernatural creature. His family coat of arms had an image of a dragon on it, Dracula in Wallachian. That’s where the commander’s sinister nickname came from. However, the stories of his cruelty are most likely true. And Tepes was a nickname as well, not his last name. Vlad enjoyed impaling people (“tep” means “pole” in Romanian).

They say he nailed the hats to the heads of French ambassadors because they refused to remove them before him. He impaled his servant only because the poor guy could not stand the smell of corpses that served as a background for Dracula’s feasts.

Once he gathered all the beggars of his area for a feast and burned them down afterwards.

The villain believed that he killed two birds with one stone – freed the country from the beggars and saved the beggars themselves from illnesses and suffering.

Once Dracula ordered to chop off the hands of a peasant’s wife and then impale her because she met her husband wearing rugged clothes.This was a reminder for other female peasants to patch their clothes.

Once Dracula ordered to impale ten thousand people at once, the entire population of a little town that was short of paying him two silver coins in taxes. Dracula was smiling doing this: “This will make others always pay me what they owe.”

By his order people were burned down in their houses and their corpses were fed to crabs in a local pond. Then Dracula fed the crabs to the families of those who dared to infringe upon his power. He liked to dine in a hall next to his enemies’ corpses with their throats cut open. Their dead hands held glasses filled with wine.

There is a castle on a mountain in Brasov called Black Castle. The owner gave it to Dracula as a birthday gift. Dracula did not like something about the castle and ordered to put the vassal to death.

In 1474 the maniac count was assassinated by fed up people at the foot of Moldoveanu

mountain. He was not just murdered as a regular criminal, but dismembered.

His head was chopped off (most likely to kill any hope of his revival by black magic),covered with honey (most likely, to preserve it) and sent off to Istanbul to a Turkish sultan. The body was buried in the family tomb in Brasov visited by over 250 thousand tourists a year.

Hundreds of years ago medical experts came to the conclusion that Dracula suffered from continuous sluggish schizophrenia and another rare disease, porphyria. The symptoms of this disease include sunlight phobia (ultraviolet may cause cancerous tumors), extensive body hair coat, sharpening of all teeth.

But the main symptom is constant need of blood. This explains the vampire legend.

Recently Romanian officials came up with the idea of building a huge horror park on the territory of Sighisoara. The park will exhibit attributes of the Inquisition and other bloody periods in human history – scaffolds, guillotines, electric chairs, and various torture devices. Other exhibits will include torturous devices used by Gestapo, Stalin’s All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Speculation, and Sabotage, Main Intelligence Directorate, and KGB.

Various social and ecological organizations, including UNESKO, opposed the construction.They believe that the park will be harmful for the environment and will ruin the historical atmosphere of the place.

They are also concerned that such an unusual entertainment park will attract people with psychological disorders, for example, maniacs, who consider Dracula their idol.

At the same time the officials are not going to abandon the idea that can potentially bring colossal profits from tourists. Now they are considering building the “DraculaLand” closer to Bucharest, Romanian capital.

Yury Suprunenko
Irina Shlionskaya

And here these are a Graphic Novel (Comics) Series of stories Dracula's life!!

These are in group of three you have to download all the groups to unzip them all!!
Group 1 (Part1-5)
Group3 (Part-11-13)


29/09/09 '2 States' By Chetan Bhagat

Great News for all Chetan Bhagat fans!! Chetan's new book is gonna be launched soon in Diwali titled '2 States'..its about his own love marriage and relationship story!!Like his previous book'The three mistakes of my life' let's hope this one also gonna be a major hit in the masses.

Yesterday at 1:44pm · Delete

30/09/09 The Real Invisible Man !!!

Chinese artist Liu Bolin is an invisible man, if he wants to be. Creating his artwork is a means to comment on the difficulties of gaining exposure to the artistic community within his native country. A graduate of a Chinese art academy, Liu Bolin had difficulty finding

employment in the arts, and had his studio in Beijing shut down by local authorities, afraid of the power of a strong artistic community. He thus decided to take it upon himself to create and be a part of works that explore how humans interact with their environment.
'I experienced the dark side of society, without social relations, and had a feeling that no one cared about me, I felt myself unnecessary in this world. From that time, my attitude turned from dependence into revolting against the system,' Bolin says. 'My job is to choose a good background where I want to be "disappeared", and then stand there unmoved until a design has been painted on me,' he said. 'There are many people who like my work I think because my work has a quiet strength, in the photographs. I am standing, but there is a silent protest, the protest against the environment for the survival, the protest against the state. I wanted to photograph the reality of scenes of China's development today. My work is a kind of reminder, to remind people what the community we live in really looks like, and what kind of problems exist.'

Liu Bolin - The Invisible Man - Exhibits in Paris

Liu Bolin, a young Beijing-based artist, has become know as the “invisible man” due to his ability to use his own body as an art material. The 36-year-old chameleon paints on himself, appearing to blend in with the backdrop.

These awesome shots show him barely visible among his surroundings, including bulldozers, flags, buildings and signs.A perfectionist, Bolin often works on a single photograph for up to 10 hours, shocking many passers-by when he finally moves. Bolin said his inspiration came from feeling like a social outcast.

These awesome shots show him barely visible among his surroundings, including bulldozers, flags, buildings and signs.A perfectionist, Bolin often works on a single photograph for up to 10 hours, shocking many passers-by when he finally moves. Bolin said his inspiration came from feeling like a social outcast.


29/09/09 Artwork of the day!!
A potrait of a princess 'Crystal Digital Potrait

I have a very wonderful,artistic and creative friend on Orkut named Crystal from Vietnam.She is just a creative genius.May it be her artworks in normal pencil & papers or 3d artworks she is just fabulous an amazing creator.Many friends of her gifted her with her 'Potraits' in their own style and I thought about it a long time back to gift her something unique and different in my own style.So first I created this digital artwork on my PC and later on added effects which resulted in this.I am glad that she liked it very much.

I told her the other day that I am gonna give her a surprise but she did not have any idea about it.I finished her digital potrait in just one day and the next day I gave it all the special effects.Many people liked this and appreciated my work requesting to make to make one of their as well!!

I am working on so many digital potraits and artworks at the same time utilizing my time to the best.I want to be a digital artist and a graphic designer.Someday I will make it big and will have my own digital studio and my online business.

Artwork of the day!!
I got inspired by an Original artwork from the official Medieval Punditz's Facebook Community's artwork and created one myself.I love the black and white potraits and anything in black Background inspires and attracts me a lot!!

01/10/09 Made4 EacH OTher!!Is sHe tHe oNe??Is hE ThE OnE?? A GraPHical JOurney!!

I am very much into graphic novels and comics coz I wanna be a digital artist,graphic designer,animator or Graphic Novelist!! So Iv'e created this today just something popped up in my mind watching the pictures!!

02/10/09!! sAY nO To sMO-kiNG!! sMoKING kILLS!! mY aNTI sMokING aD cAMPaign!

This is an anti smoking ad campaign I created today!!!


Be The Change you want to see in the World!! Mahatma Gandhi!! Created on Gandhi Jayanti


Mahatma's Belongings!! On auction!! This is what happens to a person who sacrificed his entire life for the sake of people's liberty,rights and freedom.People frame and garland the pictures,make statues,movies,music and do all the commercialization to make profit of a legend.But they have no respect for the Mahatma.His personal belongings were being auctioned somewhere in London but nobody even cared show up and any interest keeping those precious belongings of the mahatma from our country.People in America,London,South Africa and other countries follow the Mahatma's path ways and principles but in out country his principles and theories are all being criticized and made fun of.Is this what we have learned from the Mahatma??That's the biggest question!!

The Three monkeys Principle by the Mahtma:
1.I see no evil
2. I hear no evil
3. I speak no evil

This is an exclusive News paper clipping in a Marathi News paper showing Nathuram Godse assassinating The Mahatma!!

AutobiogGraphy and Biography of the Mahtma

Biography by bis Grandson Rajmohan Gandhi click to read

His Autobiography 'My experiments with the truth'
click here to download in pdf


October 17th !!

Happy Diwali!! The greatest festival of Hindus!!

Did not quite get much time for my creative world....but past few days were just great and historical for me.. as we (Me n my wify) Celebrated our first Diwali together... before that I used to celebrate it all alone with few friends since I am staying away from my family.I have been waiting for the greatest Festival of we Hindus Diwali to come and been planning to make it very special with beautiful decoration including Lights,sparkling stars,rangolis,artistis and creative stuffs (Including my creative place's decoration).Especially I wanted to give it a lounge feel with great soft music....!!!


Photoshop Creations!!

Action speaks louder then words!!

I have been using JASC and Ulead Products a lot down the years to create graphics!! Everybody uses Photoshop so though I knew the software but didnt quite use it much until recently I started exploring the Phosotoshop CS and started loving it for the amazing tools,brushes and plugins it offers!!Its simply amazing!! Now I am looking forward to other Adobe products as well..!!

About this graphic creation -

'Action speaks louder then words prove your worth'

I clicked this picture thru my cellphone and as usual I like the Black n white concept so thought to create something xclusive out of it!! So with the help of PScs3's brushes and lighting effects I created this.

Enter Da S@mTrix!!

The Matrix Effect

About this graphic creation -

Enter Da S@mtrix !The M@trix effect!!

I started exploring different effects,brushes and plugins of PScs3 and I was satisfied with the previous concept so I thought to try it in a different style..with some Matrix effect and the result is in front of you!!


New Photoshop and Paint shop pro creations!!

I always keep on brushing my creative skills with digital softwares....!! So what's better to experiment on your own pics??Here in both the graphics I used different photoshop brushes and the lighting,page curl and text effects are done in Jasc paint shop pro.

The left one is titled as 'Dreams and wishes' and the right one is 'last Picture'.And there's a reason why I titled these pics as such.The first one is a small poem about our dreams and wishes.Its about all our dreams and wishes we want to achieve and fulfill which we keep on working all our lives.

The second is actually is 'The last picture' for the reason it was taken in Jaipur's infosys office which is in Sitapura before the rcent tragic fire took place.And now the office is not the same anymore.


How to make an animated movie..
A good short tutorial movie for all the aspiring animators and graphic designers!!


November 15th
New Photoshop and Paint shop pro creations of the day !!

Me & my mean Machine !! XCD 135 cc!!
Ever since I tied the knot there have been a lot of changes and a lot of my wishes and dreams came true!! One of it is to purchase cool and stylish bike.I did a market research before going for my mean machine. I wanted to purchase the latet model of Pulsar but I dropped the idea as the mileage was not upto the mark as compared to my new Xcd 135!!


The Journey of life !!
Creation date November 15th

Life's a journey we all need to walk a long long way ..Sometimes happiness sometimes sorrowness..sometimes its good sometimes its bad.. but we have to walk anyway...

That's what's called the journey of life!!


Creation of the day November 16th

2012 !! Who will survive??

A sci-fi movie released on november 14th..!!Few scientists believes that in the year Dec 2012 the world is gonna end.That's doomsday!!

My creation is based on this 'It aint the end of the world buddy'..not yet..!!

I listened to the soundtrack of this movie today and it has some wonderful tracks and score. Just great!!

Russelo Maniacs!!
Russel Peters the very famous NRI stand up comedian!!

Russel Peters is a very famous NRI stand up comedian.Eversince I watched his first comedy show 'Outsourced' Iv'e become an admirer of his comic style and presenting skills.He makes fun of almost everyone and everything including himself.His timings,presenting skills,narration style,jokes,humors are just great.Especially he makes fun of the Indians being an Indian. I caught hold of almost all his shows.... 'Outsourced', 'Red white & Brown', 'Comedy now' and so 0n.S0me of his very famous comedy one liners are ..'Somebody gonna get real hurt topday','Be a man'...Though I like his comic styles and humors.But sometimes I think he exaggerates about people and places.But then in humor you need to have an ear and mind like that to understand it and not taking it in your heart.That's what's humor is all about.

Russel peters 'Red white & Brown'!!

Chineese Accent

Indian Accent


December 27th

Today's my Fav Salman Khan's Bday...

So I created something special for him...

HaPPy nEw YeAr!!

Few Days to go for the new year 2010 to come....Another year is going to be ended. But this year 2009 was is and always will be unforgettable for me as in this year there were so many incidents happened for the first time in my life.This is the year when I tied the knot and experienced complete different and finest moments of my life.This year was a like new beginning or I could say the second innings of my life begun.

Salman The Rockstar!!


May 7th 2010

Life @ MNC'S, Hewitt

Alright here I am back to my own creative place to write in.I know when I started this blog I wanted to update it on a daily basis with regular updates. But I failed to do so because of my busy
schedule.But now I am back for good and it's a promise I made to myself that from now onwards I will update my blog regularly and frequently. After all that's what blogs are all about.Anywayz I am very happy now a days because recently I have joined a new MNC which is a good organisation to work with.Before I joined it I heard a lot of good things about it from so many people.So I had a perception that it's gonna be a good experience working in it.So from the day I started working in it till today it has been a great experience of course with lot of ups and downs.

June 10th 2010

It's been almost 3 months now I have been working in the company, though I was not sure whether I would be able to survive in it but then I pushed myself hard to be in.I saw all my batch mates walking one by one but that's not a matter of concern for me.Now the major concern is I am new to the organisation and I am working hard by learning new things about the process everyday to exist.But the rules,regulations and parameters in private companies are like such that you do not wanna go by them but you have to.That's funny and weird.

Digit Anniversary Issue June 2010

Ever since I got my senses at place I have been reading 'Digit' the number one Tech magazine in the country and its been like 6-7 years or may be more. Though I have been a big admirer of all the contents,articles and the freebies provided in the DVDs I am a little di disappointed this time as the price(250/-) was almost double than the normal price(150/-).The Digit team have tried very hard to put so many things in the Anniversary Edition and that was great but for me its not worth the price.And its not my mistake its the expectations that Digit has led me to set.

June 11th 2010

I am really feeling down and

low as yesterday I had my Cellphone's touchscreen broken.I do not understand why this happens with me again and again?I take special care of my personal stuffs and make sure that that would last longer.But one fine day I find out that no matter what I do to take care of a personal belonging, it does not last for long.I am really sad as I do not know how long I will able to handle all these?Everytime I think I will save money for good but all my savings goes wasted like this.Feeling really low as I came home very late from office as I missed my office transport at schedule time.I loved my phone a lot and put so many stuffs in it. My music,pics,videos pains a lot.Without the touchscreen the phone is useless I cant even unlock it and cant inside it. :( :( :( :( :(............


June 12th 2010

Life Moves on

I was very sad 2 days a go but as they say 'Time moves on' now I am feeling better.She came in her week off and we had a lot fun.We went shopping,travelling watched TV and movies together and had a great time.Whenever she is with me I do not event know how time passes by.


July 11th
A shocking day

The shocking news of the year.. Hewitt has been sold out to AON...

It was a fine evening at office we all were busy working as we normally do till we get an email about Hewitt has been sold out to AON. The first reaction for all of us were like 'What@@>>>***'..and as we went on reading the details about it we came to know our Company has been sold out to AON one of the leading Consultant and Insurance company.It was enough to give us all a shock for sure


July 13th

Failure of plans

I always plan something or other in my week off but each time I end up doing something else.This time I planned to go for a recently launched Art Gallery very near to my place but somehow I failed to do so.I kept on doing everything else at home starting from watching movies,Facebooking,listening to music,watching TV,Reading books and so on.Last week off I planned to go on a trip to Manali but that too was a failure due to bad weather condition.

At my place I called it 'Creative Heaven'. I gave it a creative layout with all my artworks and other artistic stuffs around I like the environment which is almost like an art Gallery and a lounge. Where you have very nice smooth music and dim light.I have a wonderful collection of artworks,books,cds,dvds,magazines etc. And I am proud of it.All these years I have been staying alone I have been searching and trying hard to get hold of those.


Amir Khan's Peepli Live

I recently downloaded and listened to Amir Khan's 'Peepli Live' Soundtrack.All the tracks has Traditional Indian and Indian folk music touch.Music was composed by various composer including the famous 'Indian Ocean'My personal favorite is 'Des mera' by Indian Ocean which is a typical Indian ocean track.Other tracks are nice too especially 'Mora saiyaan' sung by Raghuvir Yadav.The movie is based on the life of one of the Indian village known as 'Peepli Village'.Its an Amirkhan's movie so expectations are high and positive. So let's see if it works or not....


Osama's Debut Movie!! Introducing for the first time Osama Bin Laden in ' Tere Bin Laden '

Releasing today 16th July 2010


Inception Leonardo Dicaprio's comeback Movie after long time...

Releasing Today

Get all the latest movie reviews here!!


Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries

In the world we live in there are 40% that we have discovered and 60% is yet to be discovered.Here is a list of top 10 untold mysteries which were never solved.


Another 10 Unsolved Mysteries

Another 10 unsolved mysteries of the world.Its just amazing.


10 Unique And Amazing Places on Earth

There are so many amazing and unseen places in the world we have not seen and explored but those are just so astonishing.


Chaplin's lost movie 'Thief Catcher' discovered after 91 years


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

It's Charlie Chaplin, making a cameo appearance in a Keystone comedy called A Thief Catcher in January 1914, just about a month after he started working at the Edendale, California, studio. It's the 36th film he made in a frantic year's activity before he left for more green, not to mention greener, pastures.

Until a few months ago, nobody knew it existed.


July 27th 2010


A bad day

Final warning for me

I was busy working at my work station as usual and then I was called by my manager for a one on one session.The moment he called me I knew there is something bad which is on the way.Though I had discussion with him earlier about it this time it was a meeting with the HR as well.It was all about my absent ism and tardiness.For all the days I reached office late due to some reason or other,for all the days I took leave for, I got final warning from the HR that if anything of that sort gets repeated then I will be terminated from the organisation.I tried to explain my issues but they would only listen to it but would work according to their policies.I really felt bad about it but I could not help it.Now I made sure that I would no repeat that sort of thing.


July 28th 2010

Yesteryear's Comic actor Ravi Baswani Passed away

He was 64. Having debuted in the Sai Paranjpe’s Chashme Buddoor in 1981, Ravi Baswani did many films as a character artiste.

His performance in Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro earned him a Filmfare Best Comedian Award.

The film he was planning to direct was about a 10-year-old orphan who lives with his grandmother in the hills.

The actor died of a massive heart attack, last afternoon, in Haldwani, near Nainital.

Ravi Baswani’s friend actor Zakir Hussain told Mumbai Mirror, "I believe he was coming from Nainital back home to Delhi.

He was accompanied by a couple of people who were working with him on a children’s film, which he planned to direct in the near future.

Ravi had spoken to a few people who had agreed to produce the film. The team had gone to Nainital to scout for locations. The plan was to shoot the film in the hilly regions in and around Nainital."

Explaining what transpired, close friend Ashok Pandit said, "Ravi suffered a cardiac attack. By the time they could get medical aid in Haldwani, he had passed way. His death has come as a big shock."

Sudesh Sayal who produced a TV show directed by Ravi Baswani, called Panchi said, "Ravi had no bad habits like smoking or drinking. He was a very simple man."


13th August Independence Day Celebrations in office!!

Another week of is approaching,alright so what's the big deal??What's so special about it??Of course this time its special because Independence day is on Sunday.Apart from the fact we lost a national holiday its a day of special celebration for every Indians.So it is for us in our office and that is why we celebrated it 2 days before on the 13th.Ethnic and traditional dress code is set for it.And all the office building and premises looked so colorful and beautiful.Everywhere the tri color added glitz and beauty to the glory with flags,flowers and balloons.All the people looked so smart and beautiful with traditional wear.They greeted each other,flew kites and made a whole lot of fun celebrating out 63rd Independence day.

Watch out this space for more pics coming soon..


15th August...India celebrates her 63rd Independence day!!!

In the land of resources where rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer.In a country where corruption,poverty,violence,terrorism,unemployment,education are the major concerns.We are all spreading joy and celebrating our 63rd Independence day.People here on the streets living like stray dogs not even getting proper food,clothes and shelter are the subject of Oscar winning movies(Slum dog Millionaire).The whole system is corrupted from the roots and we are the one who are responsible for it.After all we are the citizens of India and we caste our votes and choose our leaders to administer the country to make the country a living hell.And all we do is creep creep and creep blaming our corrupted system and leaders.Its been 63 years that we got our freedom and we think we are independent now.But are we really free?? Its the question we do not want to answer.


Creativity Rocks

portrait made of toasts...

"There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. Edward de Bono

World's largest Buddha statue


16th August...

Working hard day and night to get the livelihood.Though its something that I do not enjoy doing but still I have to for my career,future and most importantly for money.At this point of time I am keeping all the options alive and opened for myself.I know that I have a long long way to go and have so many things to do but sometimes I feel like quitting. I do not know why but ther's some unknown fear or something which always runs by the back of my mind.If I look at myself then I often ask several questions to myself such as what have I done in my life?Where have I reached?Is this where I wanted to be?There used to be a time when I was so alive,cheerful and kicking,I believed in living my life on my own terms and living it to the fullest.

There have been so many happenings and incedents in my life all these years, some good things and some bad.So now I just take life as it comes. I do not have any expectations.....


31st august

Award winning day..We got first prize in 'India quality fest' in my Company

Yeahhhhhurray what a day to remember...

ohh.. its been so long that I have participated in a competition or
an event.So in our office we have India quality fest lined up and guess what my name was given as a participant for Skit & jingle by my manager.So when I came to know about it i was shocked as I did not have any idea of what do I need to do to participate.So apart from all the busy schedule at work we took out few hours for it to come up with an idea and practice for the skit.We came up with different ideas and thoughts but finally zeroed out on 'Common wealth game theme' since its the hot and happening thing now a days.So we made a script where we have to show the quality deffects in common wealth games. We also composed a song for it based on a 'Peepli live' song.


2nd of October

Rebirth of the Mahatma-Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Gandhi Jayanti

Today was the day the a mahatma was born on the planet earth.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born as just another common man but left his significant mark on the whole world as an angel and ambassador of non violence and peace.Many of his ideologies and principles were subject of major controversies and criticism down the ages.But one thing is sure this man was no ordinary man for all the struggle he did in his life time serving his own motherland and her sons.There are two way to look at it. One is we can go ahead and look at the brigther side of the picture and other is darker side.Whatever it may be he was,is and will be remembered for the angel of non violence and peace for decades to come.


3rd of October

Opening Ceremony of Common Wealth Games 2010 New Delhi

Apart from all all the media rumors and allegations India has proved that she has marked a global presence and not embarrassment. It was really a sparking and wonderful event night the Indians as well as the world will remember.Only thing is if they could have started all the preparations a little earlier then could not have been subject of media embarrassment and criticism initially.


The Reality Show Big Boss with Salman Power

Big Boss 4 begins with Rocking Salman!!

It was worth a watch with Apna salu's style and humor..This man sure knows how to handle a show and connect with people touching millions of hearts.TV shows are becoming popular for sure.With all the famous stars the tv shows are getting more attention and becoming famous.This is the new tech age and gone are the days of old Type writers,Black and white portable TVs and the old family soaps.As the time becoming more modern ,hip hop and digital the format of the tv shows have changed big time.Call it western influence call it public choice or whatever people are getting hooked to the idiot box for all these melodramatic tv soaps.


Happy New year....2011...

Happy New year....2011...

January 1st 2011

Oh another near year begins...with new hopes and dreams.

New year began on a good note though I was working on the new year eve but I was looking forward to the weekend so that I could celebrate both the new year and my Bday which is on 2nd Jan.Have so many plans for tomorrow so let's see.


January 2nd my Bday....

An unforgettable and special day for me my sweetheart arranges a surprise party for me with few of her friends and we had a great time together.

The cake and all the arrangement was nice and in a chilled weather in Delhi we celebrated it in CP (Conaught Place) a very famous shopping place in Delhi.

We all chatted for a long time had a lot of fun but the only thing we could not do is dancing.As I am very fond of dancing and dancer myself I missed that part but still it was a very special and greatest day for me being my sweetheart by my side.


January 23rd

'Dhobi Ghat'

Watched 'Dhobi Ghat' Yesterday and must say I could relate myself to Amir Khan's character and loved all the characters and the script... Kiraon Rao's attempt is definitely praiseworthy...!! Pratiek Babar the younger son of the famous actor Raj babar did a fabulous job as a new comer as well as as the new actress Monica Dogra and Amir Khan as always delivered a splendid peformance as a painter.


February 09th LCD Experience!!

LCD,3d TVS,Plasma TVS,Flat TVS what's up with them???Its everywhere in TV,Newspaper,magazines,posters,shops,malls,Big companies.So what's so special about these big Screens?? Is it any better.does it give you a different kind of experience in viewing??The answer is of course yes.Picture this sitting in your drawing room you are watching Gabbar and his gang on the wild horses with those typical mind boggling 80's sound effects or watching James Cameron's 'Avatar' in 3D. Isn't that amazing?All those years we have been curiously waiting for these movies to be released in theaters so that we could watch it.But now it comes handy its in our drawing and personal rooms.Its like having your own personal movie theater set up.That is just great.I remember when my dad bought our first Black & white TV, we were all so thrilled to experience TV for the first in our own home.Not only we but its the entire colony who were thrilled and amazed, few of them used to come to our home to watch TV.That was the time and now here I am all grown up in my youth purchased an LCD today for the first time and I am missing those golden days of my life.Its a wonderful experience for me.

I have been waiting to purchase an LCD with a bigger screen resolution from a long time.And came Diwali we both wanted to purchase something new.We were still deciding what to go for and then finally we decided to go for an 26" LG LCD HD TV.We both were so excited about it and had a once in a life time experience.


March 04th 2nd Anniversary

Whew!! 2 years feels great. All these time we have gone through lot of ups and downs.Had little fights,quarrels,discussions,disagreement and what not.But above all its just once force which made us conquer all that is 'Love'. In a journey of two long years we have been through so many things.Even Things which have happened never before,many dreams that I dreamt being a bachelor for my married life came true.I always wished for a life partner who would be caring,understanding and loving and at the same time simple,modern and intelligent.Being with 'Rosy' I have discovered that person.There are so many things to share within these two wonderful years.Starting from my weeding to my honeymoon in OOTY,traveling many places Bangalore,purchasing my first bike,LCD(Monitor) on my own,visiting Rosy in Jaipur and exploring so many wonderful places there.Within these two years I realised how important it is to be with someone and share and care for your emotions,feelings,love,joy,loneliness and so many things. to be continued..........

Unfortunately I could not celebrate our 2nd Anniversary as she is out of station and we could not celebrate it together.On this day I am missing terribly missing her and realising that she is the most important and valuable asset in my be continued..........

4 May 2011

The Day the Devil died.....Game over...Mr Laden...

Finally....the game is took 10 long years for the Americans to terminate the Most wanted Terrorist Osama Bin Laden.It is the news of the Century.The US troops enetered into Pak's territory where Osama have been living in a place called Abottabad and hunted the most wanted man and his army.Now that's American superpower.It was a shocking as well as a delighful news for the many people in the US started celebrating with joy recaling 9/11.

@ACS Noida 20th May--The Unfare Game:-

I was very happy today like every Fridays as it's followed by ahh the sweet weekend for 2 days (Sat-sun) untill an incident happend in office and that made me go red faced.I was held responsible for something which I did not even commit.And they are saying its a financial impact on the process and I am responsible for it since that was assigned by my name and I have to bear any financial loss caused for the same.Now that is very unfair...very very unfair.That particular day I was working on another very important process and so I could not do anyother process.That was processed by someone else.Now when I am putting my point across they are saying it's still my fault because that was under my name and I did not inform anyone else to process it.Now that is what's making me very unhappy and I am feeling very insecure in this compnay right now.I may have to think and take a serious action if I have to bear any kind of financial loss which was not caused by me.The work culture is very strange over here.
