Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This is my most fav corner and zone...I eat,drink,walk,run,sleep music..So here I would go ahead and share my experience,taste and knowledge about music.... so read on.. and thank you for dropping in..

The Power of Music:
For me how I define music is as 'After silence which comes to ears to hear the unheard is music"..It has a such a power that it can heal,change your way of thinking,set your mood,make you both happy and sad and from a recent survey in the UK it coudl take you back to all your past memories.So isnt it amazing that we humans have invented such a magical power which helps us in so many ways?? Just think a while if there would be no music then how Life would be?? Just like a fish without water. a tree without leaves isnt it??

My passion for music started from very earlier days of my childhood.When I was a little kid I used to enjoy songs on the Radio played by my father who is also a great music lover.So I guess its quite obvious to run in blood.But I think I am lucky enough to be born in such an age where I could experiment with so many genres of music be it Fusion,Sufi,Electornic,Techno,Trance,Remix and so on... I still remember How I used to arrange and steal money from my parents :)- to buy new audio cassettes.And By the time I entered my college days I had a huge collection of Audio cassettes I was proud of and my father was envy and and angry of.He did not like the idea of wasting so much money on music.But I could not help it my thrst of music went on incresing and I kept on expermenting with different genres of music i.e Hindi pop,english pop,rock, Pakistani Pop,rock and so on...

Music triggers precious memories in most of us. That is why a song you haven't hear for years can catapult you into the past, forcing you to remember your childhood, your friends at school and maybe even a person you have loved and lost.We all have óur'songs'.

How many times you been happily getting along with life-driving to work,sipping a coffee at a cafe,flipping a magazine at the airport-when a song you haven't heard in years plays and wrenches you from the present into a farway place in the past?
Memmories you thought were long buried erupt into your consciouness,forcing you to recall in most vivid detail people,places and incedents og long ago.
Sometimes, the memory is happy, your father singing to you at night, your friends at school,your first date or a picnic with friends. But sometimes the memory unearthed is a wretched feeling of loss or rejection that was best left forgotten.
But does music really have the power to trigger vivid memories of events that have taken place decades ago?
Two psychologists from the University of Leeds sought to answer this question through an online survey recevtly in which people were asked to blog their most vivid memory assocciated with The Beatles and their music.
Though their survey,launched by the British Assoiciation for the Advancement of Science, focused on on The Beatles,its findings confirmed that we have suspected for long:music aids memory recall.

To Be continued....
Whatever it may be music sertaily has power to boost up human emotions and it's proved to be one of the best company in loneliness and its a boon for those heart breakers!!!
Now on this fav section of mine I would put whole lot of exclusive muscial stuffs!! Music alvum Reviews (Both Indian and International), Tribite to the musical legends,articles,e-books,downloads and so many other exclusive stuffs!!! so keep watching this space...........